Message from @MerlinCrow
Discord ID: 732659039191826492
@MerlinCrow that's great!! I look forward to seeing you in some town hall chats!!
That would be great but the time zones are preventing that...
Maybe @ThePangburn can do something about that :)
You will see me more at moments as these...
That would be nice...
@MerlinCrow maybe we could have a group voice chat some time this week without Trav if he's busy.
Sure !
I have some time start a subject...
I am a slow thinker and typer mind that...
I found your continuous debate quite amusing...
Personally I do not see a problem with that word..
See it more linke in the realm of Dark Matter or Dark Energy...
SomeThing that still has to be explained...
No more Folks Online ?
No Euro in the Room ?
@MerlinCrow have you read A Grand Design yet?
Please Explain what that is ?
O I see, Physics...
@MerlinCrow let's switch to a private chat so we aren't monopolizing the feed
Well, not that book but the subject I have studied about..
How ?
It's not the most popular Discord @MerlinCrow
It's only existed for about 1 and 1/2 days
Well I am glad I jumped in this soon...
Let it Grow !
How late are the Town Hall things ?
Every day the same time ?
Not sure, doesn't seem to be the same time everyday
Well I will be awake early the same time the last Town Hall was...
Maybe we can all stay up late/get up early one of these days so you can be included. You shouldn't have to miss out on our awesome discourse because of where you live.
All shifting a little bit should solve it... I will get up early tomorrow and see If there is live action going on...
Try tweeting Trav. He always gets back to me right away.
Should be awesome to boost up the group with Euro Folks...
I'm Euro Folk... lol
You see ! It is working allready...
What time line are you?