Message from @MerlinCrow
Discord ID: 732782921995255818
That's a lot of tap dancing... some evolution topic today @Travis
Those were the Times amusement like that was still legal...
Well Folk, Time for some Deep Sleep...
Later Later...
See Ya!
@everyone tell me your topic idea for town halls. Phrase it as a claim. 👍
@ThePangburn Superstition is a positive evolutionary trait
I had an idea actually yesterday but completely forgot.
(I'm just spitballing in general, if I say something, that doesn't mean I believe it, to be clear)
At least, not necessarily.
I feel like if you threw out a few topics you're interested in discussing, that may allow me to come up with more ideas @ThePangburn
Bill Nye isn't very good at debating
The Spectrum of SaneNess is broader than is...
@ThePangburn Are you having a Town Hall stream tonight?
@MerlinCrow Can you hear me in voice chat?
Town Hall Today @ThePangburn
Welcome, mill!
Hello Mill Welcome over here...
Thankyou! 🙂
I'm trying to kinda grow the server
Pangburn is still getting a grip of Discord
All praise the Hypnotoad
Well the substrate is here...
SomeHow I think in this case it is the ultimate response !
It is a deeper answer than it looks in the first place...
LMAO no, it's fallacious.
I'm gonna add a friend who is Eastern Orthodox to the server.
That's fucking hilarious
I was probably just trolling, but even if I didn't say that, the meme is brilliant
Well done
Fallacious ? I am not so sure in this case...
@Smoke thank you. :) can you explain to @MerlinCrow why it's fallacious?