Message from @MerlinCrow
Discord ID: 732956272412065842
It is working still as demonstrated...
Works well enough to type, haha. Sometimes.
Computers are tough as hell, they refuse to die if you do not drop them...
@everyone just posted in the youtube community to get ideas rolling for the Town Halls as well.
What about the Spectrum of Being Sane.
Were Insane starts and Sane Ends...
Is Unsane an "official" Englisch term ?
No, it is insane and sane
A twilight state ?
Both at the same time ?\
Sounds good to me...
MindBending for sure...
Math thinking is Alien to me...
Mostly it comes in a absurd metaphor...
@everyone share with the Karen's in your life....
A better titel Would Be. "Is Homeopathie even worth a discussion ?"
And I do Not mean there should not be a Discussion about the Subject...
Ah man, I wish I had been there for the homeopathy discussion. Did anyone mention Miles, the youtuber who buys and debunks differemt homeopathic 'treatments'?
I think there was no discussion, IT is a clip...
I hope the discussion is comming soon...
Ohh okay sweet!
Had good dreams ?
And Deep Sleep ?
> Had good dreams ?
@MerlinCrow I dreamed that The Office recreated scenes with everyone wearing masks lol it was odd.
Interesting, I dreamt about a oil tanker leaking... I was walking through a underwater tunnel in a diving suit...
A very very very long underwater tunnel...
What do you think dreaming is about ?
The mind putting pieces together?
Automatic problem solving ?
I usually have night terrors so it's hard to say. Science has no idea why we dream
That makes it interesting is it not ?
I think lucid dreams are fascinating and really fun.
Lots of room of speculation...
Yes it is...
Takes away from my deep sleep though..