Message from @Smoke
Discord ID: 733004624537321510
I'm trying to get into the world of video editing... what soft do you all recommend... I'm using open shot... it's quite heavy...
Any ideas?
@Eduard If you need links to some good software, I'm sure I could find it for you. Of course, it'd be pirated, lol.
@MerlinCrow Just barely, lol. How are you doing
Give it to me!! Lol
Any specific ones in mind?
If I'd had something in mind I wouldn't ask... lol
I don't know too much about video editing software, so I may have to do a bit of research
I forget to tag people... sorry
Like, Adobe Premiere Pro?
Whoa... don't know.. anything welcomed... but I dont have a starship
.... so small and efficient...
hmmm I don't know. Want to do some research on what'd be best for your PC specs and get back to me? If you decide on something, I could absolutely find it for you. @Eduard
Thanks @Smoke ... you can see how crap I am on vids on youtube... here
I'll be uploading some new stuff in a few minutes... any advice is kindly welcomed!
@Eduard Seems good, the only thing I'd recommend is trying to be closer to your mic, you sound a bit quiet x)
You may need to look into upgrading your PC if you think it's holding you back in terms of editing
Any town hall tonight @ThePangburn
My friend got this for me as a surprise!!
@everyone town hall this evening forsure. Around 6pm pacific
Sounds gggg-reat
Super excited!!!
Invite your friends and social media peeps! @everyone
@ThePangburn always!
I have no friends...
> I have no friends...
@Eduard that's sad as fuck. You have us now!
Thank you!
Hopefully I'm awake by then lmao
It'll be 10pm for me. Are any of us even in the same tine zone?
@everyone tonight we will talk about downloading our minds into the cloud
@everyone I'll push for 5pm pacific 👍
Thanks, Trav. :)
Sounds nice!
Nothing live on YouTube verse! Any recommendations?