Message from @Gandalf

Discord ID: 760519357108977665

2020-09-29 05:10:59 UTC  

wouldn't know, spent one semester there and got a job <:tuckerlaugh:758872277550235658>

2020-09-29 12:06:07 UTC  

Degrees are a ticket into a career, depending on your field of study, that college study may be valuable applied to your career. I'd say I could have taken a 6 months intesnsive learning program to prepare me for what I do today, possibly a year since it is interdiscipline. Most of what I do day-to-day was learned on the job over time. Some concepts and foundational understanding *did* come from college. But, to even get an interview you have to have that paper (or papers increasingly).
TBH, a bachelor's degree isn't much better than an associates degree from 30 years ago, or a High School Diploma from 1950.

2020-09-29 14:58:56 UTC  

College degrees, like everything else, have been devalued to near worthlessness via government money creation (e.g. student loans for anyone who can fog a mirror). College standards have also been dumbed down over the years to accommodate a larger student population.

2020-09-29 15:01:57 UTC  

the other issue is they are simply used as a filter system

2020-09-29 15:02:32 UTC  

the job problay doesnt require it in reality

2020-09-29 15:03:00 UTC  

but it makes a great filter HR can use to shorten the pile

2020-09-29 15:04:47 UTC  

It may be a filter for conscientiousness and to a lesser degree IQ

2020-09-29 15:05:18 UTC  

it’s an inefficient mechanism for evaluating those traits though

2020-09-29 15:05:20 UTC  

i have seen hr departments do some realy shifty things with "filtering"

2020-09-29 15:05:43 UTC  

4 years long, possibly 250k dollars

2020-09-29 15:06:10 UTC  

for isntance they have a job they want to have a h1b take

2020-09-29 15:06:28 UTC  

but they have to offer the job to some one in the usa first

2020-09-29 15:07:51 UTC  

so what they will do is place a job listing with imposable or bizaro requierments that no one either would qualify or intelegently acept

2020-09-29 15:08:09 UTC  

when no one applies they say they cant find some one to do the work

2020-09-29 15:08:22 UTC  

and then hire the h1b for pennies on the dollar

2020-09-29 15:09:04 UTC  

i once saw an ad for a job that requiered 15 years of experiance in java

2020-09-29 15:09:16 UTC  

java had only existed for 5 years

2020-09-29 15:09:54 UTC  

so i looks at some of the companies other listings

2020-09-29 15:10:06 UTC  

they were all equaly bizaro

2020-09-29 15:11:41 UTC  

they wanted some one with a bachalors degree to clean the floors

2020-09-29 15:12:24 UTC  

or to be a receptionist

2020-09-29 15:14:00 UTC  

and at the time there was no way some one could aford to pay off loans for such a degree on what they were offering to pay

2020-09-29 15:14:43 UTC  

those jobs dont pay much more than some one flipping burgers or working in factory

2020-09-29 15:16:52 UTC  

basicaly they were just scaming the system so they could hire some guy via a outsorceing firm

2020-09-29 15:17:24 UTC  

that would do the job for less and they wouldent have to pay for benifits

2020-09-29 15:18:18 UTC  

this is why you have all these kids with hudge debt

2020-09-29 15:18:46 UTC  

they feel they need to get these degrees to meet those bizaro qualifications

2020-09-29 15:20:45 UTC  

and its also what opened the door to so many people taking liberal arts

2020-09-29 15:20:57 UTC  

becuse they were not there to go into a feild

2020-09-29 15:21:10 UTC  

they were there to get the paper so they could get any job

2020-09-29 15:22:24 UTC  

any job at all

2020-09-29 15:33:34 UTC  

House to vote on stimulus bill this week <@&758768006196756513>

2020-09-29 16:30:04 UTC  

Was the bill proposed? And by whom?

2020-09-29 21:21:29 UTC  

Disney Lays Off 28,000 Employees, Cites California's 'Unwillingness' To Let Parks Reopen <@&758768006217072646> <@&758768006196756513>

2020-09-29 21:21:38 UTC  


2020-09-29 21:21:43 UTC  


2020-09-29 21:22:21 UTC  

i mean if disney *really* wanted to pay those workers they could with no problem

2020-09-29 21:24:13 UTC  

Trump's fault

2020-09-29 21:24:17 UTC  


2020-09-29 21:24:48 UTC  

Those numbers will pump up the unemployment yet itll be use as a weapon against trump even though it's local govt stopping them