Message from @CloseDanger

Discord ID: 760342687454330890

2020-09-29 02:56:30 UTC  

@SYLE THat first vid looks fake as shit but Im not ready to discount it. Paying individuals to do voter fraud is a retarded and inefficient means of going about it. But fuck Omar anyway.

2020-09-29 02:58:50 UTC  

That body cam footage obviously doesnt show the whole incident, only after the cops showed up. Also what goal is served by having him arrested? most ppl dont even know him.

2020-09-29 03:17:00 UTC  

What we do know is it counters the narrative from last night that he was barricaded in his house surrounded by weapons threatening to harm himself. In reality, dude was chilling in his yard with a beer, calmly addressing an officer, then his lack of take-down defense manifested itself when an officer went for the hips and easily gained control of Parscale's back, then it was over.

2020-09-29 03:22:01 UTC  

Im saying the two can coexist. One can attempt to seem calm and defuse a cop involved situation once one becomes aware the fuzz is inbound. They obviously had reason to believe he was a danger. Multiple officers, body cam on, takedown methods engaged. People tend to get calmer when you pull a figurative or literal gun on them.

2020-09-29 03:23:08 UTC  

im just not seeing why this would happen if something didnt go down. Who has such a boner for brad that they got some cops to tackle him for doing absolutely nothing but sitting in his house? Do you really believe nothing happend?

2020-09-29 03:24:32 UTC  

nah, I think there was a domestic dispute with his wife and she called the cops and ginned up the situation.

2020-09-29 03:24:57 UTC  

thats definitely possible.

2020-09-29 03:24:58 UTC  

Like *that* happened.

2020-09-29 03:25:13 UTC  

makes you wonder why she would do that though

2020-09-29 03:25:20 UTC  

He clearly wasn't barricaded in his house surrounded by weapons, is all I'm saying.

2020-09-29 03:25:30 UTC  

Maybe he took a few shots at her.

2020-09-29 03:25:34 UTC  

ok I dont see how thats clear

2020-09-29 03:25:39 UTC  

popped her in the eye for her sass?

2020-09-29 03:25:51 UTC  

there was no footage inside the house idk how youre so sure

2020-09-29 03:26:02 UTC  

Well, because in the video he is not barricaded in his house surrounded by weapons. I don't understand the confusion.

2020-09-29 03:26:33 UTC  

are you intentionally being dense or do you not realize that cops dont magically appear at your door the second someone calls the police?

2020-09-29 03:27:03 UTC  

The way I was reading it as it was coming in last night was that it wasn't a hostage situation, but was, because he was his own hostage, police were on scene negotiating with him to not harm himself as he was barricaded in a room surrounded by weapons threatening to kill himself.

2020-09-29 03:29:02 UTC  

there is no proof that, or something similar, didnt happen. youre seeing the second half of the altercation and assuming it was the entire thing.

2020-09-29 03:29:06 UTC  

I know.

2020-09-29 03:30:20 UTC  

It is just a bear hug

2020-09-29 03:30:23 UTC  

move on

2020-09-29 03:30:23 UTC  

Maybe before the video started, he was inside his house, barricaded inside a room threatening to kill himself, and his wife called the cops, and then he came out and grabbed a beer and sat by his driveway waiting on them. Maybe before that video he was inside negotiating with the 7 cops that later appear and take him down. I don't know.

2020-09-29 03:30:58 UTC  

All I'm saying is that IN THE VIDEO he is not barricaded in anything surrounded by any weapons.

2020-09-29 03:36:45 UTC  

ask the Police

2020-09-29 03:37:03 UTC  

ok but it doesnt counter the narrative at all is what im saying. It occurs afterwards. Mike Coudrey is jumping the gun and making this some issue it doesnt have to be. We dont know most of the story yet but the claims from last night are still plausible.

2020-09-29 03:40:02 UTC  

narritive is useless

2020-09-29 04:23:05 UTC  

Wife did an interview.. will look for sauce.. but apparently she claimed he was depressed with guns

2020-09-29 04:23:33 UTC  

not a good combo.

2020-09-29 04:23:37 UTC  

would like to see

2020-09-29 04:23:46 UTC  

the video that is

2020-09-29 04:24:04 UTC  

Agreed. But also so far only her word.. which is scary if she lied

2020-09-29 04:24:36 UTC  

Gib me a sec.. gotta retrace my web steps from earlier

2020-09-29 04:24:46 UTC  

yea very much so. only raises further questions as to wtf is going on here

2020-09-29 04:38:11 UTC

2020-09-29 04:38:22 UTC

2020-09-29 04:39:30 UTC she saw him cock the gun and assumed that he shot himself bc she heard a noise consistent with that. may or may not have actually fired it.
Records show officers removed 10 guns from the home of the former campaign boss. His wife said he’d been making threats of self-harm all week at their Fort Lauderdale house.
lol "some kind of revolver, a glock."
'Records show officers removed 10 guns from the home of the former campaign boss. His wife said he’d been making threats of self-harm all week at their Fort Lauderdale house.'

2020-09-29 04:39:57 UTC  

I still cant tell if she's lying or not.

2020-09-29 04:40:04 UTC  

Just let the poor bastard kill himself