Message from @tattered flag

Discord ID: 503195499550081035

2018-10-20 13:07:01 UTC  

Atlanta, GA

2018-10-20 13:07:17 UTC

2018-10-20 13:07:27 UTC  

Off Line

2018-10-20 13:08:39 UTC

2018-10-20 13:08:53 UTC  

8 chan

2018-10-20 13:09:34 UTC  

Under attack

2018-10-20 13:09:47 UTC

2018-10-20 13:10:01 UTC

2018-10-20 13:10:14 UTC

2018-10-20 13:10:34 UTC

2018-10-20 13:10:48 UTC

2018-10-20 13:12:13 UTC

2018-10-20 13:12:31 UTC

2018-10-20 13:13:17 UTC

2018-10-20 13:14:06 UTC

2018-10-20 13:15:34 UTC

2018-10-20 13:16:43 UTC  

@Sara Good Morning Sara! How are you today? Well I hope

2018-10-20 13:17:20 UTC

2018-10-20 13:17:37 UTC  

Hello tattered flag! I'm fine today. Had a hard time waking up!

2018-10-20 13:18:45 UTC  

@Sara Well that stands to reason you had a rough night the night before worrying about your upcoming adventure

2018-10-20 13:19:16 UTC  

Reloading the 30 MM cannon

2018-10-20 13:22:48 UTC  

Off to run errands be back later this afternoon

2018-10-20 13:40:02 UTC

2018-10-20 13:41:09 UTC  

@Cynka are you in Texas and/or you hearing the non-stop commercials for BETO? So sick of this guy and the movement of his laryngeal prominence. Rumor has it, if he doesn't win the state of Texas, he's going for the nation - with all the funds his campaign has received for and that are left over from this midterm. How is it so easy to dislike someone you don't even know?

2018-10-20 13:48:19 UTC  

@Agent 34 Hey! I am In Arkansas. But we have one just as bad running against French HIll. The ads here are non freaking stop for Clark Tucker. Piece of crap.

2018-10-20 13:53:43 UTC  

The founder of a far-right group said Friday he was arranging the surrender of members wanted by police in connection with a New York City street brawl after a speech he gave last week.
Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes told The New York Times said he expects the rest of the group's wanted members to be in police custody by Friday night following two arrests in the case in recent days.
Police told News 4 on Friday afternoon they didn't bthink anyone else was scheduled to turn themselves in in the fight.
Geoffrey Young, 38, of New City, New York, and John Kinsman were arraigned Friday on charges of riot and attempted assault. Kinsman, 39, of Morristown, New Jersey, is also charged with attempted gang assault and possession of a weapon.
Court records didn't list lawyers who could speak on their behalf.

2018-10-20 13:54:11 UTC  

Police made the arrests after combing through photos and videos posted on YouTube that showed the violent clash a week ago after McInnes' speech at a Republican club in Manhattan. The fight started when a masked protester threw a bottle, leading to the Proud Boys and groups that were protesting McInnes' speech kicking and punching each other on the sidewalk.
No serious injuries were reported.
Searchers Find Nothing as Hunt for Missing Girl Continues
After arresting three protesters the night of the brawl, the NYPD said it was looking for a dozen more suspects - nine Proud Boys members and three protesters.
The department said it is also looking into the Proud Boys group itself. Deputy Commissioner John Miller told the Times the NYPD has opened a criminal investigation into the organization.
The male-only Proud Boys describe themselves as "western chauvinists." The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated them as a hate group.
McInnes, who is also a co-founder of Vice Media, didn't immediately respond to messages from the Associated Press.
The Republican club was vandalized ahead of McInnes' appearance. Damage included smashed windows, a spray-painted door and a keypad lock covered in glue.
A note left at the scene claimed that the damage was "just the beginning."