Message from @D3M0_Anon
Discord ID: 506859699568771073
I haven't bashed the left nor do i bash that which i disagree with or do not know.
mic closer billy
but I did get a kick out of you saying the "left is brilliant" as if we are winning we must be super genuises
They are manipulating people
I have been concerned with laws and the direction of our country for many decades. I had no power to change the direction other than my vote.
You go onto say that, "However we must acknowledge the Left’s brilliance, lest we underestimate and are forced to repeat history again." I'd remind you on multiple occasion Q has told us these people are stupid. I'd also remind you that with such a great awakening occuring, history will have a hard time repeating itself at the scale you mention.
The only power I have is through my prayers that have been answered.
Not signaling out anyone individually. Just an overall observation of what I’ve heard. It’s human nature to bash something that one doesn’t agree with, as a knee-jerk reaction. What I’m putting forth is the analysis; so that the process isn’t repeated.
I don't believe the Left is Brilliant ....devious yes...brilliant no....
@AncestralCrosse Brilliant in their deviousness
I'm fully aware of much more than your blanket statement
@D3M0_Anon However the vast majority are not as aware as you and I. Although “Q”s statement, "these people are stupid" is correct (from an overview position), the process the left used over time to build such a devious and interlocking plan involving multiple levels of national and international dimensions is unique.
@D3M0_Anon That conversation was likewise at a higher level. THANKS!
I am glad the dems and rinos showed their true agenda for all the world to see. It made people wake up and start coming together to overcome the evil they had planned for us.
@Arkansasmaga Now dismantling the Legos without destruction.
gonna listen w/my eyes closed 4 a while
@M_SEE Add under stuff I like 😉
and ty for the convo it was a great way to start the day! 😃