Message from @AncestralCrosse

Discord ID: 508590968027611137

2018-11-04 08:13:28 UTC  

putin on the ritz

2018-11-04 08:13:48 UTC  

I thought Q mentioned Iran done by 11/11 or something

2018-11-04 08:15:44 UTC  


2018-11-04 08:27:33 UTC

2018-11-04 09:04:34 UTC  

The reason why you have two birthing certificates is because there are two forms of birth, born into equity and birthed into legal title. The first birth, births the State onto your equitable title as the first legal title holder, the first trustee of you and your birth right, your equity. The second birth is where the State then births you as the legal title holder of the State but for you to accept the legal title offered to you by the State, you must surrender your first standing as Equitable title holder relating to the first birth certificate. This is easy because all you do is accept the state legal title and your acceptance of such a State legal title automatically negates your first birth equity. If you are not aware of the first birth, you may assume the second birth to be the only birth that exists and you will remain as the legal title holders of the State.

You will always wonder how the state got consent over you, how it does what it likes to you without your consent but you didn't realise that your consent was already done by accepting the second birth certificate that made you the legal title holder of the state, your parents surrendered your equity at birth and you never returned to get it back because you couldn't remember anything that happened to you at birth and the same happened to your parents and their parents and so on. Your equitable title is your birth right and if you surrender that to a foreign off shore banking corporate entity that you don't even know, they may not have the best interest of your equity at heart.

If your government is a foreign private off shore corporate entity passing itself off as a real government, your equity, your birth right your true equitable title may be in danger.

2018-11-04 09:09:04 UTC  

Halloween offers yet another glimpse into the insane asylum we live in. Feed a child candy and you're rewarded. Deny them toxic substances and you'll be labeled a bad parent. The herd always offers heroic praises to those who embrace the insanity the most. Poison the kids with vaccines and frankenfoods and you'll be seen as amazing parents.

2018-11-04 09:17:20 UTC  

Can anyone prove they have a surname? is it on your birth certificate? your parents have surnames but do you? ... how could you prove you have a surname when its not on your Birth Certificate??? .... and even the certificates that so claim you have a surname, is it grammatically on the certificate if it appears in "SYMBOLIC" Text or in "Italic"? .... meaning, not on the page? Grammatically, no it does not appear...... Is the act of giving your consent to be governed by a foreign US corporation State, relating to assuming the state owned SURNAME that does not exist on your birth certificate? ... but you accept the surname as fact when there is no fact that it exists? ... lol ...

2018-11-04 09:25:20 UTC

2018-11-04 09:28:00 UTC

2018-11-04 09:30:51 UTC

2018-11-04 09:42:47 UTC  
2018-11-04 10:30:15 UTC  

⚡ HEY’RE HERE! And Guess Who is Helping Them??? |TRUMP Ensnares Press & BHO...AGAIN!

2018-11-04 10:34:38 UTC  
2018-11-04 10:46:54 UTC  
2018-11-04 11:35:18 UTC  


2018-11-04 12:03:49 UTC  

For Real

2018-11-04 12:23:16 UTC

2018-11-04 12:25:32 UTC  

PSB down?

2018-11-04 12:32:06 UTC  

We have no you tube chat or channel here

2018-11-04 12:32:17 UTC  

What’s going on? Did channel go down??

2018-11-04 12:32:28 UTC  

looks like it

2018-11-04 12:32:34 UTC  

I’m lost.

2018-11-04 12:33:23 UTC  

It's all good ... happens from time to time... livestream should be back up now

2018-11-04 12:38:13 UTC

2018-11-04 12:39:58 UTC

2018-11-04 12:40:19 UTC