Message from @pocketangel3

Discord ID: 512666761024372757

2018-11-15 14:34:56 UTC  

These people are stupid. And backward.

2018-11-15 15:16:13 UTC  

Fake news @Bijourain. That beach shot with the helo is a movie set. Debunked days ago. FYI 👍

2018-11-15 15:19:48 UTC  

mother of satan bomb in Florida????

2018-11-15 15:22:43 UTC  

Whoa... if it's true that that was found in Florida, we're in for a rough ride pretty soon. 😦

2018-11-15 15:33:23 UTC  
2018-11-15 15:36:38 UTC  
2018-11-15 15:52:48 UTC  

In Spanish, synopsis: LGBTQ fake caravaners complain that they had to endure the trip without water, when water is a big issue for people in Mexico right now (17 million in Mexico City have suffered shortages since earthquakes last year, water shut off for more than a week, when these ppl were in Mexico City), asking for "clothing suitable for gay men and lesbians". 80 ppl occupying a house in exclusive neighborhood rented on airbnb (in violation of municipal code). Locals confront, asking why they arrived in vehicles from Human RIghts and Govt, asking where the money is coming from because the house is expensive. At one point "migrants" become abusive, calling the locals xenophobes, homophobes and racists.

2018-11-15 16:34:40 UTC

2018-11-15 16:41:39 UTC  

Note the link to Wikipedia at the top of this video. YT trying to show that our knowledge of Agenda 21 is debunked. Blatant propaganda.

2018-11-15 16:52:52 UTC  

EVERYTHING HAS MEANING! Do not forget the santa at one of President Trumps rallies...…...Christmas will be great.

2018-11-15 18:00:54 UTC  

134 pages (17)
Im still reading. May take me a while. Many come to mind that can validate it quicker than I @PatriotsSoapbox

2018-11-15 18:02:08 UTC  

Can we wake up before this reaches the state of Washington and Oregon. please?

2018-11-15 18:03:24 UTC  

Houses exploding