Message from @Pawhuska

Discord ID: 513389246682497084

2018-11-17 16:08:15 UTC  

Meanwhile, Macron's former nemesis Marine Le Pen, leader of France's far-right National Rally, said: "We were the first party to express our total support for this movement."
Castaner hit back at Macron's opponents, branding the protests "political" and accusing Les Républicains of being behind them.
"It's a political protest with the Republicans behind it, and it's irrational because the rising taxes have been compensated by the decline in the oil market," he told CNN's French affiliate BFM-TV. "We hear the protests, we hear the anger, I know the situation, but we have to explain that it's essential that we exit fossil fuels."
The minister said police would be present to break up any dangerous roadblocks. "I am asking for the roads to not be completely blocked," Castaner said. "Where there is a roadblock -- which means there's a risk for emergency services -- there will be police."

2018-11-17 16:08:27 UTC  

​120000 manifestants dans toute la france

2018-11-17 16:08:35 UTC  

Macron struck a more conciliatory tone in an interview Wednesday, saying: "I hear the anger, and it's a fundamental right in our society to be allowed to express it."
He nevertheless admitted that he was "wary because many different people are trying to piggyback on this movement."
Prime Minister Edouard Philippe also announced close to €500 million in aid to low-income motorists in a key concession Wednesday.

2018-11-17 16:08:50 UTC  


2018-11-17 16:09:33 UTC  

peuple blocage france

2018-11-17 16:09:56 UTC  

Drivers in France are planning to block roads across the country to protest rising fuel taxes, in a new challenge to embattled President Emmanuel Macron.

Protesters pledge to target tollbooths, roundabouts and the bypass that rings Paris on Saturday. The government is preparing to send police to remove protesters and threatening fines.

The taxes are part of Macron’s strategy of weaning France off fossil fuels. Many drivers see them as emblematic of a presidency seen as disconnected from day-to-day economic difficulties.

The protesters have dubbed themselves the “yellow jackets” because they wear fluorescent vests that all French drivers must keep in their vehicles in case of car troubles.

Separately, ambulances briefly blocked Paris’ Champs-Elysees on Friday to protest new rules on ambulance financing and put pressure on Macron’s government.

2018-11-17 16:10:18 UTC  

🤔 🙏 #DEWSOS!! USA is Under Attack! CA Today, Your Town Tomorrow! #NIMBYNOMORE!

2018-11-17 16:17:25 UTC  

😇 💊 🎶 #Pizzagate DEBUNKED? Hardly! @JennyHatch #Pedogate #QAnon

2018-11-17 16:19:02 UTC

2018-11-17 16:21:35 UTC  

The White House is ready....

2018-11-17 16:22:40 UTC  

@Smiley ROTFLMAO!!!

2018-11-17 16:24:36 UTC  

@Smiley Good morning. Have a Great Thanksgiving with your family. We are on our way to LA to go camping

2018-11-17 16:24:55 UTC  

@Pawhuska good to hear from you buddy

2018-11-17 16:25:34 UTC  

@Smiley I am around just laying low

2018-11-17 16:25:40 UTC  


2018-11-17 16:25:49 UTC  

Enjoy your trip @Pawhuska

2018-11-17 16:27:36 UTC

2018-11-17 16:27:40 UTC

2018-11-17 16:34:14 UTC  

A very good discussion last night about the "deepstate", lol, between E. Michael Jones and Cynthia McKinney, that all americans need to hear.

2018-11-17 16:55:46 UTC  


2018-11-17 16:56:41 UTC  


2018-11-17 16:59:47 UTC

2018-11-17 17:03:23 UTC  
