Message from @retiredDep

Discord ID: 518079560915615744

2018-11-30 14:54:49 UTC  

Brussels on fire

2018-11-30 14:55:19 UTC

2018-11-30 15:03:34 UTC

2018-11-30 15:05:25 UTC  

OK it looks like POTUS will hang on to his "declass card" until he determines to hit the damn Dems the hardest!!! “I’m a counter-puncher and I will hit them so hard they’d never been hit like that.” Trump also told the tabloid he would wait to reveal such documents until they are absolutely needed, saying, “It’s much more powerful if I do it then.”

2018-11-30 15:08:28 UTC  

💊 😇 🎶 TRUMP -I WILL STOP Big Tech's Threat To Freedom Of Expression/Laura Loomer

2018-11-30 15:11:06 UTC

2018-11-30 15:11:17 UTC  

Schedule (subject to change):
13:30 GMT: Leaders’ arrival to G20 venue at Costa Salguero
15:00 GMT: Official greeting by President Macri and leaders’ family photo
15:45 GMT: Leaders’ plenary session
20:30 GMT – 00:00 GMT: Leaders’ cultural event at Colón Theatre

2018-11-30 15:14:10 UTC  

7-Minutes in and it looks like Justin "groper" Trudeau's eyebrows are about to fall off..... again.... <:lolol:430293779472318475>

2018-11-30 15:14:19 UTC  

About Laura Loomer (I know, I just can't stay away) ... she was not only a Clinton supporter, she and Posobiec got attention together with their NY stunt at the Julius Caesar play that featured Trump. I'm suspicious (deeply) of Navy Posobiec as an asset at OANN / AJ and so by extension that suspicion extends to Loomer. HOWEVER, the stunt she pulled at Twitter yesterday and filmed by Dnesh D'Souza was a high-profile "needed to happen" and ought to inspire many other such events. It's time to use some Left tactics on THEM.