Message from @Aleeta

Discord ID: 518235113486680089

2018-12-01 00:54:22 UTC

2018-12-01 00:54:27 UTC

2018-12-01 00:54:33 UTC

2018-12-01 00:54:42 UTC

2018-12-01 00:59:36 UTC  

@retiredDep thinking of you in the time of remembrance for your mom, may you lay your sorrows at the Lords feet and feel the loving embrace from our Father. Love ya and wishing a lifting of your sorrow.

2018-12-01 01:01:13 UTC  

.Png file means someone fabricated it. It is not a phone's screenshot

2018-12-01 01:09:44 UTC

2018-12-01 01:09:54 UTC  

i love it

2018-12-01 01:14:12 UTC  

@PatriotTxMomSuzyQ THATS AWESOME~~~~~~~~~~~

2018-12-01 01:16:37 UTC  

Hey guys, anyone wanna do a dig? Charles Tawill. Possible connections to Soros.... ANyone wanna help connect the dots?

2018-12-01 01:25:37 UTC  

I'm thinking of doing a series of these, but only if there is interest. What do you think?

2018-12-01 01:29:36 UTC

2018-12-01 01:31:16 UTC

2018-12-01 01:31:31 UTC  

December promo goes public... anyone who RT's with a comment, I will follow you back and promote your account: Use hashtag #WeThePeople and @PatriotsSoapbox on twitter.

2018-12-01 01:32:19 UTC

2018-12-01 01:32:53 UTC

2018-12-01 01:39:30 UTC  

David Ha'ivri (Hebrew: דוד העברי‎, born Jason David Axelrod, 1967) is an Israeli settler and an independent political strategist, who focuses on foreign relations, he has worked closely with Christian Zionists and leading politicians in Washington DC.[1][2] He emigrated as a child with his family from the United States to Israel at the age of 11, completed high school, and served in the IDF. Ha'ivri is an Orthodox Jew, and lives with his wife and eight children in Kfar Tapuach in the West Bank.[3] He is a religious Zionist leader, writer, and speaker.[4]

2018-12-01 01:39:50 UTC  

Ha'ivri is the founder of the Shomron Liaison Office,[7] an NGO that worked closely with the local government[8] promoting public relations for the towns of the region. In this capacity, he serves as English-language spokesman, interacting with all foreign language journalists. The Shomron Liaison Office under his direction has developed partnership and pen pal programs connecting schoolchildren in the Shomron with their peers around the world. He delivers speeches internationally[9] to a wide range of groups, as well as hosting tours in the Shomron.[10][11] As a spokesman [12] for the Shomron Regional Council, Ha'ivri interacts with international media, foreign government representatives and philanthropists. From 2008, he served as strategic adviser to Regional Council head Gershon Mesika on international affairs.[13] He currently serves as the Advisor of Mesika's successor Yossi Dagan.[14]

2018-12-01 01:40:16 UTC  

In August 2009, Ha'ivri advocated that the United Nations award the Jewish settlements in the West Bank an international prize for settlement activity.[17] The annual prize, the Habitat Scroll of Honor, is handed out annually to acknowledge "outstanding contributions in developing and improving settlements and the quality of urban life".[18]

2018-12-01 01:40:50 UTC  

As a youth, Ha'ivri became involved with rabbi Meir Kahane's Kach, and was already active in the 1984 election that saw Kahane elected to Knesset,[24] and was a close friend of the rabbi's son, Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane. The Kach party was banned from running in the 1988 Knesset elections, and has since been added to terrorist watch lists by Israel, Canada,[25] and the United States.[12][26]

2018-12-01 01:41:04 UTC  

Ha'ivri has had several disputes with the Israeli government. He was notably arrested for celebrating the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in a television interview, and served six-month jail time in connection with the desecration of a mosque.[27] However, in an interview with the New York Times newspaper, Ha'Ivri said he no longer engaged in such activism, adding that, at age 43, he had mellowed, even if his core convictions had not. "I'm a little older now, a little more mature", he said.[27]

In 2001, Israeli Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein ruled that the slogan publicized by far-right activists, "No Arabs, no terror", constitutes incitement to racism and offence, especially to the 20% of Arabs who have Israeli citizenship. Rubinstein handed his ruling to the police to investigate. As a result, in January 2005, the Jerusalem Magistrate's court sentenced Ha'ivri to four months of community service for distributing the T-shirts.[28]