Message from @Gandalf

Discord ID: 759913059887349771

2020-09-27 22:45:35 UTC  

I have no enemy except commie who want to take my goats

2020-09-27 22:46:59 UTC  

Fundamentals is the most important thing its the building block for how you fight

2020-09-27 22:47:46 UTC  

Team movements like I just described are the most basic movements you can do

2020-09-27 22:48:18 UTC  

practice makes perfect

2020-09-27 22:49:12 UTC  

You have to adjust it irl due to the layout of the area you're in, weather conditions etc. Many things come into play

2020-09-27 22:49:16 UTC  

it has to be instinctual

2020-09-27 22:50:12 UTC  

Very good book to build you foundation on practice it and in irl you tweak it how ever you need to

2020-09-27 22:50:36 UTC  

main reason soldier get killed is due to dumb shit like smoking or light disiplen

2020-09-27 22:51:03 UTC  

not paying attn to wether the enemy can see them or not]

2020-09-27 22:51:58 UTC  

if they can see you they can shoot you

2020-09-27 22:52:42 UTC  

another is confusing cover with concelment

2020-09-27 22:53:46 UTC  

another is trusting locals

2020-09-27 22:55:51 UTC  

in combat zones civs can switch alegances on a dime

2020-09-27 22:57:06 UTC  

always verify anything they tell you

2020-09-27 22:57:38 UTC  

and never walk off alone with one

2020-09-27 23:00:38 UTC

2020-09-27 23:00:50 UTC

2020-09-27 23:01:27 UTC

2020-09-27 23:01:34 UTC  

Thats 2 vids I found of them training and tbh im no operator but im not bad either and they are on the same level as me

2020-09-27 23:03:11 UTC  

oh and one other thing

2020-09-27 23:03:19 UTC  

always expect the unexpected

2020-09-27 23:03:22 UTC  


2020-09-27 23:03:26 UTC  

thats you gandalf

2020-09-27 23:03:34 UTC  

mr anti tank ambuhser

2020-09-27 23:03:40 UTC  

it's SOP

2020-09-27 23:05:26 UTC  

@H.D.P suprizingly i never realy did much in my actual trained for MOS

2020-09-27 23:05:46 UTC  

weapons squad guy over here ^^

2020-09-27 23:06:45 UTC  

i spent most of my time with the e7 and the lt running the radio and doing active duty pay opertunities

2020-09-27 23:07:12 UTC  


2020-09-27 23:07:18 UTC  

you got scouted out for your tech skills

2020-09-27 23:08:07 UTC  

they didn't have the javelin when you were in did they?

2020-09-27 23:08:39 UTC  

i voluntired for MJ eradication events with the state gov and did some opfor at ft chaffie

2020-09-27 23:09:46 UTC  

also did one drug interdiction thing where we took part mostly for the photo op where they raided a meth lab

2020-09-27 23:10:22 UTC  

we brought one of the scout hummers with a 50cal mounted on it

2020-09-27 23:11:02 UTC  

and they took a lot of photos of us pointing it at the front door

2020-09-27 23:11:44 UTC  

they guy running the lab wasent there but his wife and kids were

2020-09-27 23:11:58 UTC  

it was a bit fucked up

2020-09-27 23:14:03 UTC  

i also went to the air asult school at camp gruber

2020-09-27 23:14:26 UTC  

okng has its own school

2020-09-27 23:14:36 UTC  

We helped build the one at Bragg