Message from @Gandalf

Discord ID: 760116492649496587

2020-09-28 12:17:22 UTC  

inb4 “Russia is attacking our nato allies and Trump follows Putin’s orders reeeeeee”

2020-09-28 12:17:23 UTC  

In the ktedxvvgybbnvxetiijnmkiklop region of sdrrybvdswwwdbnkjuopllmmmmmmm vvbiknvff in Armenia

2020-09-28 12:19:09 UTC  

god will avenge the cries of the saints

2020-09-28 12:20:50 UTC  

turkey can attack people and not get nato involved but turkey can't be attacked and nato not get involved

2020-09-28 12:21:13 UTC  

so turkey can't have war declared on it but it can declare war

2020-09-28 12:21:35 UTC  

if turkey attacks first article 5 isnt in play

2020-09-28 12:22:11 UTC  

and ceases to be an option

2020-09-28 12:23:13 UTC  

turkey by sending in troops and fighter jets has made its bed

2020-09-28 12:24:18 UTC  

russia is simply waiting for turkey to realy fuck up in that regard

2020-09-28 12:24:53 UTC  

but the russians are there and ready to go

2020-09-28 12:25:47 UTC  


2020-09-28 12:26:18 UTC  

im sure the russians know where every turkish naval ship is in black sea right now

2020-09-28 12:27:05 UTC  

and the usa is bugging out of turkey

2020-09-28 12:28:03 UTC  

along with the brits and every other nato member that uses incirk

2020-09-28 12:29:04 UTC  

Likely some chances to play the Turkish Lira with all of this going on before the media has picked it up

2020-09-28 12:30:01 UTC  

if you live in turkey you wana gtfo of there if i was you

2020-09-28 12:30:24 UTC  

its not that

2020-09-28 12:30:44 UTC  

its more like now that US takes a backseat in the world stage

2020-09-28 12:30:52 UTC  

this has nothing to do with american politics

2020-09-28 12:30:56 UTC  

stuff is up for grabs

2020-09-28 12:31:34 UTC  

this has been going on in the back ground since the 70s and even before that

2020-09-28 12:31:36 UTC  

it does have to do with it in the sense that noninterventionism leaves many chances for various players

2020-09-28 12:32:18 UTC  

In the southeastern direction, the enemy launched a tank attack, but faced resistance

2020-09-28 12:32:40 UTC  

it has a slight bit to do with the americans

2020-09-28 12:32:54 UTC  

the american's choice to stay out of it

2020-09-28 12:33:41 UTC  

america has stayed out of quite a few wars over the years

2020-09-28 12:34:18 UTC  

wars that were started due to power vacuums left by US wars

2020-09-28 12:34:24 UTC  

zero foresight the last 20 years

2020-09-28 12:34:52 UTC  

for isntance we rarely got involved in african wars

2020-09-28 12:35:00 UTC  


2020-09-28 12:35:40 UTC  

i can with 100% confidence say that we didnt get involved in rodesia

2020-09-28 12:36:26 UTC  

other than some mercs might have been american citezens

2020-09-28 12:36:27 UTC  

The public doesn't have the stomach to see American men killed in combat to settle regional disputes. And the MIC has realized there is much more money to be gained by selling arms and providing training than open combat. Better to let locally trained militias fight until you're out of office and let the next admin handle it.

2020-09-28 12:37:27 UTC  

wouldnt it just be a generally better thing to train your side to fight rather than let your own troops die for your sides fight?

2020-09-28 12:38:41 UTC  

That's the point of buying the required percentage into NATO, you share that cost instead of dedicating over 40% of your budget to training to fight. Most of these countries have barely stable economies, much less the excess GDP that goes to building these weapons systems.

2020-09-28 12:39:23 UTC  

we are training ukranian soilders does that mean we are fighting a war against russia?

2020-09-28 12:40:28 UTC  

Not in the sense that we have kids getting called up from small town Kansas for the purpose of clearing villages for an unpopular minority rule government in some foreign corner of the world, no.

2020-09-28 12:42:14 UTC  

Russia has military bases in Armenia.

2020-09-28 12:42:23 UTC  


2020-09-28 12:43:12 UTC  

the usa had one in azerbajan at one time but i dont think we use it anymore

2020-09-28 12:43:58 UTC  

it was mostly for war on terror stuff after 911