Message from @based

Discord ID: 759989649929404416

2020-09-28 04:04:06 UTC  

I wouldn't either if I was a tycoon.

2020-09-28 04:04:14 UTC  

Why would he release them? The media has been nothing but spineless cucks

2020-09-28 04:04:24 UTC  

We all know he avoids taxes. Who gives a fuck

2020-09-28 04:04:26 UTC  


2020-09-28 04:04:31 UTC  

most of america

2020-09-28 04:04:35 UTC  

Everyone avoids taxes.

2020-09-28 04:04:46 UTC  

The tax code is written that way on purpose.

2020-09-28 04:04:53 UTC  

Come back when you have definitive proof of criminality

2020-09-28 04:05:07 UTC  

I never said there was criminality

2020-09-28 04:05:12 UTC  

Shit I'm more interested in seeing taxes of politicians who came in making $100k and came out millionaires

2020-09-28 04:05:16 UTC  

Give to charity = good, reward = less taxable income
Save for your own retirement = good, reward = less taxable income
etc etc

2020-09-28 04:05:44 UTC  

thats pretty much all of the based

2020-09-28 04:06:02 UTC  

@based they aren't millionaires, per se, their households are. Pelosi's husband and kids are raking it in. Just like Biden's criminal enterprise. He's relatively clean.

2020-09-28 04:06:24 UTC  

they deal in influence

2020-09-28 04:06:39 UTC  

so its not explicit or tangible

2020-09-28 04:06:48 UTC  

That's why they acquired power, or have gotten close to it, to peddle influence.

2020-09-28 04:06:51 UTC  

but they can put themsleves in positions to become wealthy

2020-09-28 04:06:57 UTC  

Yeah it's just messed up

2020-09-28 04:07:12 UTC  

its how the game is played under the rules

2020-09-28 04:07:12 UTC  

But hey orange man bad

2020-09-28 04:07:32 UTC  

Trump has been the perfect distraction for all of the dirty deeds the Dems have been doing

2020-09-28 04:07:54 UTC  

its messed up that people use tax loopholes to avoid taxes and become billionaires by not paying taxes. Bezos does it. Trump does it, but thats ok

2020-09-28 04:07:56 UTC  

I think he's less bad, he's fucking rich as shit, banged so many super models it would make our dicks rot off, and he decides at the sunset of his life to go ahead and see what he can do straighten things out on his way out.

2020-09-28 04:08:28 UTC  

Paint Trump as the most extreme fascist that this
country has seen in a century so that Biden looks like an actual progressive

2020-09-28 04:08:31 UTC  

Kinda smart

2020-09-28 04:08:47 UTC  


2020-09-28 04:08:56 UTC  

It's always been part of his appeal to me (that and being a master troll) that he has 'fuck you' money. He can't be bought, he doesn't give a shit because at the end of the day he's set and banging Melania.

2020-09-28 04:09:24 UTC  

or not

2020-09-28 04:09:27 UTC  

I wouldn't say that Trump has fuck you money

2020-09-28 04:09:32 UTC  

He does.

2020-09-28 04:09:34 UTC  

He's definitely overleveraged in spots

2020-09-28 04:10:04 UTC  

But that's easily settled with a few personal bankruptcies <:tuckerlaughing:650892811926765579>

2020-09-28 04:10:28 UTC  

What amount of money from his operation is coming to HIM personally? What is going into corporate accounts he uses personally? What is going into the Trump Family Trust? All of these things will be reported to the IRS separately from his personal reporting.

2020-09-28 04:11:00 UTC  

He doesn't own a jet, Trump, Inc. owns a jet and he rides around on it, etc.

2020-09-28 04:11:28 UTC  

Yeah until his lenders come knocking on the door

2020-09-28 04:11:49 UTC  

They can't touch the Trust, it is its own legal entity, and I'm sure his corp is set up similarly.

2020-09-28 04:12:24 UTC  

but they can get at the corporations. and then if he is just using the corp's stuff, what does he have then?

2020-09-28 04:12:45 UTC  

It isn't a sole proprietorship, in other words.

2020-09-28 04:12:59 UTC  

Exactly, what does HE have. For taxable purposes?

2020-09-28 04:13:05 UTC  

It's all a game

2020-09-28 04:13:13 UTC  

he has debts