Message from @Citizen

Discord ID: 628937281121550356

2019-09-21 02:47:05 UTC  

Whoopie laughing at Ted Danson in blackface. Double standards from Hellishwood.

2019-09-21 21:38:42 UTC  

The Doorknob Sacrifices; A Black-Sun Ritual: 12 Celebrity β€œSuicides” related to Pedophilia Cover-up. |

2019-09-24 06:40:12 UTC  

BABY BURLESKS was Shirley Temple's first MOVIE at 3,years of age, Child exploitation. 6 MINUTE VIDEO >

2019-10-10 20:24:57 UTC  

Mini AOC Got to love it! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜ Vote for Joey!

2019-10-12 22:22:14 UTC  

I do not like Jimmy Kimmel

2019-10-19 16:11:58 UTC  

@Citizen , that article hits the nail on the head. What do kids refuse to eat unless it's deep fried? Why do Americans consider deep fried as more dangerous than not eating veggies at all? What natural chemical is in vegetables? Why is that natural chemical attacked by the press, bureaucrats, and other pedestaled authorities? What's the truth about that chemical? How many benefits can be claimed about it? Does it relieve symptoms of ADHD? If so, why are the authorities banning the natural ingredient and replacing it with pharmaceutical Meth drugs? Why are there so many druggies living on the streets anymore? Why can't the street people find housing after they're clean from opiates but still depend on the natural chemical found in the nightshade plants such as Vegetables? Why do our bodies have censors for that chemical? Why aren't they extracting that chemical from Vegetables for commercial use? Which nightshade plant produces the most of that chemical for commercial use? When it's the smoke and tar that kills people, then why are they trying to ban the one product that omits the smoke and tar? Why are they planning on banning the product that omits the smoke and tar before releasing the smoke and tar without the natural chemical? Why are the masses more angry about somebody's need for the nightshade plant's benefits than they are about the smoke and tar that kills people? Why do we allow them to manipulate our emotions to suit their agenda?

2019-10-19 16:31:19 UTC  

@Citizen , at date 10-2. The article suggests things that just aren't true. It wasn't 'warned' about, it was planned for. They gloated their plans for the future.
What is happening in today's news? The media is using one verb as an adverb. They're confusing the masses on purpose, in order to create the fear porn needed to push bills that are detrimental to others.

2019-10-20 05:15:09 UTC  

I tried to ask Q and anons about Larouche because I had someone calling me pushing their agenda. The anons were rude and I kept missing Q q&a because of my time difference. So-- seriously-- what's the story?? He died (was killed?) not too long after I mentioned I wanted to ask Q about him. 😦 Now these followers of his are being interviewed by Q followers? The lady that was calling me tried to convince me Q wasn't even real!