Message from @ColenelHogan

Discord ID: 618155821632585731

2019-08-26 20:33:09 UTC  

As far as nuking a hurricane, apparently people have asked this question since the 50s. Lots of people asked the Internet forums for years. Of course we would not use a nuke, but I think there is a question, is there a way to stop or divert a hurricane..and why has no scientist worked on that? Could the patent sitting in the patent office?

2019-08-29 17:36:11 UTC  

Can someone confirm that this is a current list???

QMAP: Players in the game

2019-08-30 17:28:22 UTC

I will drop this here. POTUS is going to Camp David. He was to go to Poland, but cancelled. In that news conference he appeared a bit tired. How man assassination threats and attempts now? Nancy Pelosi hot August? Comey and McCabe? I will be linking the citizens investigative report where she goes over a serial brain.

2019-08-30 19:05:10 UTC  
2019-08-30 19:32:51 UTC  
2019-08-31 19:51:26 UTC  

So just post what we find here or do we coordinate and target specific dives?

2019-09-01 07:42:41 UTC  

@HoosierPatriot(USA) we are all pretty free range here, feel free to post whateverr you may find

2019-09-02 18:50:32 UTC

Apparently this guy uses the automatic Twitter blocker. In times like that more than one twitter handle would work. But just thought I would push this here. Sever lefty hired by a college. If college is private, no comment. Any college that gets public funds should not hire such a thin skinned ideologue.. (He can not even handle criticism on Twitter?)

2019-09-02 18:55:34 UTC

Another one that got a “teaching” gig. Ethics? Good grief.

2019-09-02 21:58:40 UTC  

Update on my last post... Still waiting for the manifest. We know they'd kill all the passengers to get rid of one person...

2019-09-02 22:01:54 UTC  

39 on board/34 passengers /conflicting reports on the number of bodies recovered/five crew members all rescued/all passengers presumed dead and all were below decks when fire started/waiting on release of passenger manifest

2019-09-02 22:02:48 UTC  

Why am I not surprised at that?

2019-09-02 22:03:05 UTC  

Thank you for the update @HoosierPatriot(USA)

2019-09-02 22:04:26 UTC  

Until I get a list of all names aboard I'm not satisfied.

2019-09-02 22:05:12 UTC  

Right. Nothing suspicious about any of this {snark}

2019-09-03 11:49:44 UTC  

New topic... Using a different eye... Dorian is looking more and more to me to be White Hat weaponized weather. IPOT seems to agree...

2019-09-03 11:54:28 UTC  

So Dorian gets to the Bahamas and parks right there. Not totally unusual for a hurricane to do that but once we find all the "coincidences" of what's underneath this storm, it all begins to look mathematically impossible. Truth is stranger than fiction.

2019-09-03 14:12:02 UTC  

Sorry for the skipping around... A lot happening... KTLA... Not in love with this source... But there are a few nuggets in here...

Take note: "Worldwide Diving Adventures" chartered The Conception.

The story sounds like the boat capsized and dumped 25 bodies onto the ocean floor. So nine of the 34 are still missing. Still no names... But what's really bothering me is that the crew abandoned ship and made little or no effort to help passengers get off the boat.

One possible reasonable explanation is that the fire was a metal fire... I would guess from scuba tanks likely made of lightweight metals such as magnesium and filled with compressed oxygen... Which probably exploded... Which explains why the fire continually reignited.

But what a perfect scenario if you wanted to off someone important. The Worldwide Diving Adventures site says:

Additionally, we have the best clients on the planet– no joke!  The people that travel with us are a close knit family.  We have a large rate of return clients who have been many special places together and made incredible memories.  Our typical group of clients is friendly, open, excellent divers, with an adventurous spirit and ready for anything.

"Best clients on the planet... Close knit family"... Uh huh... What exactly are the Finstad conveying there?

Need the manifest!

2019-09-03 14:18:01 UTC  

The second paragraph grabbed my attention.
Names to remember: Bill and Cindy Finstad... Father/daughter... Dan Chua husband of Cindy Finstad.

I'll leave the boat story right here for now. Back to Dorian.

2019-09-03 15:48:52 UTC  

So the Bahamas are significant for two important reasons : Both China and Denmark have ports there.

When I think China, I think Navy. They are attempting to surround the US militarily because they lack the ability to project power in a more conventional way via aircraft carriers ... Bahamas, Greenland and I've seen pics of a crap ton of Chinese military equipment... Including tanks... Parked in forrested areas of Mexico. The implication there is that the Chinese may be working with the Mexican drug cartels... That's a guess.

So what's the China connection to Denmark? Well as I've posted elsewhere, China wants a sub base in Greenland. And when we consider Denmark... The Queen's Glucksburg ancestry (same as Prince Philip and Prince Charles)... That Maersk is a Danish container ship line... With a port in the Bahamas... A larger picture is beginning to emerge. Denmark is a bigger globalist player than most of us would have thought before QAnon.

How does this relate to Dorian? My initial thought is that Denmark and China are linked by human trafficking... That the Bahamas are a trafficking hub... And not far from Broward County... Not far from Haiti... Not far from Epstein Island... And further but not beyond reasonable from Trinidad and Tobago... Another trafficking stop off point. Maersk (Denmark) has a port in the Bahamas as well... And Denmark has Greenland as a territory... Much like Puerto Rico is to the US.

I think Dorian is a weaponized white hat weather response to the Chinese presence in the Bahamas and a message to Denmark that we know their involvement in human trafficking via Maersk. I think it's probable that we hope to inflict severe damage to the Chinese and Danish operations in the Bahamas.

This is my analysis at this point. It's subject to change as more information becomes available. Any input welcome. TY.

2019-09-03 22:38:28 UTC  

So a few years ago, a whole lot of cocaine detected in a Maersk container.

2019-09-03 22:51:30 UTC  

One thing that always sets off alarm bells with me is when the story changes on important elements as it develops. CBS now saying there were six crew members... One who was below decks... Now with 33 passengers... And that the crew member died along with the passengers.

New to the story : They say the Coast Guard has suspended the search after locating 20 bodies.... Still looking for 14....


2019-09-03 22:55:57 UTC  

Very strange, indeed