Message from @Babyrock
Discord ID: 622171362848538637
RadixVerumToday at 11:13 AM
@everyone im still looking for volunteers that can help me with the website and with outreach etc.
Anyone good with technology or social media etc
@RadixVerum I know a guy - He's helping me with the National Redress of Grievances. Do you have a link or anything besides discord he can use to see if he's interested?
@RadixVerum If you like I can keep posting this want ad in the PSB voice content room throughout the day
@tattered flag thank you, thats a good idea!
I am on it
@Constitutional Ninja just the website maybe. Or my email [email protected]
@RadixVerum What are your needs ? I'm a former DJ/Broadcast Technician. I know my way around a newsroom & still have some contacts in local area that aren't corrupt. I'm a writer. I like doing research. I'm in & out of social media sites all of the time. I don't have much programming experience except for broadcast computers . I'm willing to help where needed.
I need someone who can help me with scheduling interviews and stuff
I don't use social media and sadly its the way most of this stuff is done now a days
@RadixVerum Whatever I can do . This might be a good fit if my health stays good. I worked with talk radio shows in Rochester, NY. I will need info on people to contact, time slots & hosts, topics, dates available on our end.
@RadixVerum You can send info to me @[email protected].
Thats wonderful! Thank you
mrsfroggyToday at 11:54 AM
@RadixVerum please advise what help specifically you need for the website. I’ve been a subscriber of PSB since the beginning
@RadixVerum I already sent her an invite into your server
Thank you!!!
@RadixVerum I heard you are looking for help. I am the podcast producer and webmaster for Indy News (Abe, Indy). Hit me up if you are still looking for someone
@Gilaad Let me post an invite into the Digging Deeper server so that you can get with Radix
here is the link for the discord server used for Radix's Digging Deeper show.
@tattered flag made about 400 business card size handouts for the 16 Sep Rio Rancho Trump rally with PSB (.com site) and the discord app and server info. Hope it helps.
Fabulous Brother you are rock solid. Pass those suckers out like they are free candy and let's see what sort of response you get for your efforts
Santa Ana Star Center seats about 7000. There will be standing room only and I won't mind if I'm stuck outside, with the best people in America.
Very cool
Party outside on the veranda
Sometimes, when you are creating something as big as psb, you might have to step back and see the entirety of the vision to identify the key operations necessary to the overall success of the vision. Openness is essential to a volunteer organization. and the vision changes, according to the great Hope.
really it just feels like herding cats
@RadixVerum ....I would love to help you! Give me until after Saturday, Sept. 21st (my daughter's wedding) and then I will have a lot more time available! Jamo (Judy Morris). my email: [email protected]
Check out Truther Talk, she gets it!!! this is Truther Talk
@RadixVerum I’ve been a lurking since May 2018 via the Q movement. My wife and I watch PSB as our main news source now. I’m a musician and also have my own little independent music label called Premature Fish. I use distrokid as my distributer for my music and own all the right to our songs. Anywho, besides that we would love to help anyway we can. On our regular jobs my wife is an accountant and I manage hair salons. We are MAGA all the way and we are passionate about PSB.
I was around at the very beginning of the Soapbox, but my job and kids quickly ate up any time I had to participate. However I recently lost said job after 4 years so I now have nothing but time on my hands so any way I can contribute or help in any way please message me and let me know.
I've been so proud to watch this platform grow and work through plenty of adversity but here it is, still going 24/7!
@bdk1184 contact with a dm @SouthernComfort she does all our vetting to become a show host.
@bdk1184 Please feel free to send me a DM if you are interested in joining the team.
@Vdub unless you are volunteering your services, this is the wrong channel.
Thank you mods, contributors and chatters for making this news media so great, all volunteering your terrific talent and precious time to provide 24/7 coverage! You are ALL amazing!😉 ❤️🙏🇺🇸
Is this to volunteer content for the PSB channel?