Message from @ShadowBoxer

Discord ID: 628682327777607680

2019-10-01 18:38:20 UTC  

BREAKING: Pompeo Meets Officials in Italy - Comes Days After AG Bill Barr and US Attorney John Durham Meet Italian Officials on Spygate Scandal

2019-10-01 18:41:21 UTC  

DEVELOPING: DOJ Refuses to Produce Brady Material Requested by Flynn Attorney Sidney Powell - Seeks to go Immediately to Sentencing

2019-10-01 18:53:23 UTC πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚πŸ‘‚

2019-10-01 18:55:54 UTC  
2019-10-01 19:07:39 UTC  

What is not seen is a Multi National (AKA Globalist) company owned by Flynn. This could set him up in a future scandal wherein this comes to fruition... Go broke or give a favor under his power as Trumps power position. For me, I am glad he did not get in the position of having to make that choice of going broke wherein his son goes broke too. As it is established he will take a guilty plea to save his family. <-- That is GOOD , but not good in the position of Trumps relegated power position as he will not go broke for this Nation as his company is global. In other words he would have to change to keystone parallel that would brake him because his company is well invested in the middle east energy parallel. All this is not a disparage of Flynns character as he seems to be a patriot , but his investment in middle east energy parallel is not, I repeat... Is not , Trumps energy parallel of keystone.This energy parallel which involves Canada, U.S. and Venezuela (The Americas United, trade thingy, lol). <-- This can be more easily and cheaper to defend from a military standpoint than Flynns parallel which actually pits these two Trump & Flynn against each other under the business hat. .

2019-10-01 19:26:12 UTC  

brb brothers

2019-10-01 19:27:57 UTC

2019-10-01 19:35:38 UTC

2019-10-01 19:36:40 UTC

2019-10-01 19:39:33 UTC  

@wheredowegofromhereQ Any relevant 1 year deltas as Oct 1 is a massive drop in 2018?

2019-10-01 19:39:49 UTC  

3 Mar 2019 - 2:55:55 PM
Ask yourself a very simple, logical, question.
What is a FISA warrant/application?
Is it a highly confidential [safeguarded] product of the UNITED STATES GOV?
If a product of the US GOV _ how did UK/AUS know what was listed inside of the package?
Think call to POTUS to prevent DECLAS [sources & methods].
If the US GOV requests UK/AUS [+2] to spy [+ campaign insertion] on an AMERICAN PRESIDENTIAL PRE_NOMINEE + POTUS ELECT, is there a CHAIN OF COMMAND to APPROVE such AUTH?
Paper trail of the CHAIN OF COMMAND & umbrella spy metadata?
If not tasked & targeted under FVEY - what legal authority existed to engage the targeting?
Think Nunes' statement "not through normal collection, gathering, and reporting/oversight re: (FVEY)."
Did the dossier provide the 'bulk data' anchor for the spy campaign?
What entity paid for the 'research' dossier?
Opposition candidate?
What US Ally completed the collection of false data?
Why was it important to use sources within the UK vs. US?
How do you circumvent US LAW?
What other 'anchors' were provided to FISC in order to gain the warrant? [DECLAS will show].
Was the 'other' data (collection/process) worse than the dossier?
Why didn't FISC require 'in room' presentations of the data prior to 'sign off'?
Who signed apps 1-4?
Who traveled to UK/AUS post election of POTUS?
Why were SECURITY PRIV removed from select 'formerly active' individuals?
Treason-Sedition-Corruption at the highest levels of GOV (WW).
How do you repair a bridge without closing it down?

2019-10-01 19:41:57 UTC

2019-10-01 19:43:15 UTC

2019-10-01 19:44:20 UTC  

How to repair a bridge by not tearing it down? Start by getting that 1913 amendment and subsequent amendments involving entity as a citizen removed is how.

2019-10-01 19:45:28 UTC  

How else is China seen as a citizen in the U.S. through its corporation(s)?

2019-10-01 19:51:02 UTC  

When money is international and is the voice of entity , We the people got left behind if we are not a corporation, right?

2019-10-01 19:54:19 UTC  


2019-10-01 19:59:07 UTC  

When Washington D.C. on both sides of the isle are pay for play with your money as there is no endpoint distribution of your money (as designed, called monetary oversite) as said money is global ...FED, right? Biden using our tax as a club etc... etc....

2019-10-01 19:59:37 UTC  

Haha they flipped Rosie O'Donnell's poll!!

2019-10-01 20:00:13 UTC

2019-10-01 20:05:52 UTC  
2019-10-01 20:10:04 UTC  

the federal judge has no right to do that ! the state can tell them to go pound sand

2019-10-01 20:25:51 UTC

2019-10-01 20:26:13 UTC  


2019-10-01 20:32:15 UTC  

Sorry be

2019-10-01 20:32:21 UTC  

Back later

2019-10-01 20:33:06 UTC  

Does Q post here?

2019-10-01 20:35:04 UTC  

Will Q post here?

2019-10-01 20:37:43 UTC  

Perhaps they will.

2019-10-01 20:41:27 UTC  

no Q does not post here

2019-10-01 20:44:03 UTC

2019-10-01 20:47:18 UTC  

It's a mystery wrapped in a riddle.

2019-10-01 20:47:38 UTC

2019-10-01 20:49:51 UTC

2019-10-01 20:50:51 UTC

2019-10-01 20:51:42 UTC  

Someone say Payseur?