Message from @Gailm

Discord ID: 630867567313027082

2019-10-07 20:40:05 UTC  

I hope he gets right with his creator

2019-10-07 20:40:10 UTC  

I wonder what he did or didn’t do to earn the eye?

2019-10-07 20:40:25 UTC  

It is a warning, I think

2019-10-07 20:40:31 UTC  

Not sure exactly how that works

2019-10-07 20:40:35 UTC  

not sure I want to know

2019-10-07 20:40:52 UTC  

Carter opposes God's chosen

2019-10-07 20:40:55 UTC  

Too many of them have had "accidents" with the left eye

2019-10-07 20:41:05 UTC  

RBG may not be the next distraction. Could be Jimmy.

2019-10-07 20:41:09 UTC  

@shai'enne He has made a choice

2019-10-07 20:41:27 UTC  

Not sure if that choice can be reversed

2019-10-07 20:41:29 UTC  

They need her more than him.

2019-10-07 20:41:33 UTC  

I went to Israel last summer

2019-10-07 20:41:36 UTC  

I want to know how they deliver the black eye😂

2019-10-07 20:41:38 UTC  

I recall Kerry's bike accident

2019-10-07 20:41:42 UTC  

They need another diversion

2019-10-07 20:41:54 UTC  

I don't know @Groot but his is really bad

2019-10-07 20:41:56 UTC  

Yes they do

2019-10-07 20:42:01 UTC  

I though No Name's was bad

2019-10-07 20:42:06 UTC  

This is worse

2019-10-07 20:42:18 UTC  

Ukraine call is going against dems

2019-10-07 20:42:29 UTC  

We have been expecting another State funeral

2019-10-07 20:42:29 UTC  


2019-10-07 20:42:30 UTC  

No names?

2019-10-07 20:42:40 UTC  

We do not say his name.

2019-10-07 20:42:45 UTC  


2019-10-07 20:42:53 UTC  

I may by accident

2019-10-07 20:42:56 UTC  

Just this once

2019-10-07 20:42:59 UTC  


2019-10-07 20:43:01 UTC  

He who shall not be named...sounds like McStain

2019-10-07 20:43:04 UTC  

Since idk who

2019-10-07 20:43:14 UTC  

Oh grrr

2019-10-07 20:43:16 UTC  

He is a traitor

2019-10-07 20:43:19 UTC  


2019-10-07 20:43:22 UTC  

maybe still

2019-10-07 20:43:24 UTC  

Mc Stain

2019-10-07 20:43:31 UTC  

We chased him off our reservation

2019-10-07 20:43:32 UTC  

maybe sitting in Gitmo

2019-10-07 20:43:36 UTC  

in solitary

2019-10-07 20:43:39 UTC  

for all we know

2019-10-07 20:43:45 UTC  

Wanna see the video

2019-10-07 20:43:54 UTC  

or in solitary in his own coffin