Message from @Half Right

Discord ID: 634070953407676428

2019-10-16 18:34:46 UTC  

For those interested. I've just added the complete list of NGO's and Humanitarian charities funded by the EU.

Pop back to the site from time to time if you get a chance to see what has been added, as new information get's discovered all the time. .

Click -->

2019-10-16 22:36:00 UTC  

Attention Reporters: There will be a Rally for Liberty in DC on Nov 9. Prepare your questions now. For instance, If POTUS doesn't want to ban the Free Market products, but instead wants to drain the swamp, how is the CDC and State Legislators a part of the Swamp?

2019-10-16 22:43:29 UTC  
2019-10-16 22:52:26 UTC  

If approx 90% of the illnesses are related to the illegal THC/oil black market products, then why does the CDC (and the States) still fear monger about the nicotine vapes? Why do 10% of the patients fail to disclose that they were vaping THC? Are there severe penalties in their states or homes for using an illegal product like THC? How many deaths are attributed to eCigs? 0. How many deaths are attributed to Toothpaste. You'll be surprised, if you care enough about Inalienable Rights to dig deeper.

2019-10-16 22:57:30 UTC  

Whatever happened to the old 'smoking epidemic' they used to push?
"WASHINGTON: (UPDATE) State bans e-cig flavors apparently to stop "epidemic" of record DECLINE in youth smoking? Grade 12 rates were flat, drops only 3.1 percentage pts 2002-10. As vaping rose, smoking drops WHOPPING 11.6 pts! Adult 18-24 yrs also now at RECORD LOW, so NO GATEWAY."

2019-10-16 23:03:30 UTC  

If it's the smoke and tar that kills, but the nicotine patch that helps smokers quit smoking, then why are they attacking nicotine? How many benefits does Nicotine have? How many vegetables contain nicotine? Why do healthy live lung cells in a petri dish mutate and die when cigarette smoke is blown on them? Why do healthy live lung cells multiply and thrive when nicotine vapor is blown onto them? So many questions to ask, for the knowledgeable reporter who only wants truth.

2019-10-16 23:10:11 UTC  

If 'flavors' can be banned for 'health emergency' acts, despite flavors not being part of any 'health emergency', what else can be banned? Guns? Bibles? Religions? Families? ...
How many Universities, States and Towns are being paid to come up with the ways to declare each of those and more, a 'health emergency'?
Who is paying them? How many of these 'orgs/societies/foundations' are there? How do they 'win' their funds in order to get the job done?

2019-10-16 23:24:35 UTC  

How many people die each year from smoking? How many died previously to the promotion of low nicotine/low tar cigarettes? How many will die after the FDA lowers the nicotine in cigarettes again? Why do they fight the millions of anecdotals who have recovered from COPD and other illnesses after they've switched to vaping which has no smoke? Why does the FDA want to take out the nicotine and leave only the smoke that kills? How many smokers are more scared of switching over to vaping since the swamp released the blanket blame PR, when it was known from the start that it was the THC/oil causing the problems. Why is the CDC called the PR mouthpiece for the WHO? What is WHO? Who is WHO? How many people are still too ignorant about the product and don't know that ejoints and ecigs are way different? Why don't the people care? Are the people brainwashed into believing everything the 'govt agencies' say? How many smokers die each year from smoking? 400,000? Why are we taught not to care about them? Why are we taught to demean them? Why are tobacco cigarettes so addictive? If MAOI's are the main reason, then how addictive is nicotine really? If nicotine is not much more addictive than caffeine is, then why are being fed fear porn about it instead of truth? Does nicotine help relieve neurological issues? What about ADHD and other focus problems like Cognitive Dissonance? Why does Big Pharma fight for the sole use of nicotine? Why does Big Pharma have big nicotine Pharms in their labs? Name the benefits of nicotine, and you'll be half way home in your quest for knowledge.
Knock our socks off Reporters!k
One more for you:
CDC reports a 50%+ decline in smoking by 18-24 year-olds in just four years.
Why is this considered a vaping epidemic instead of a hallelujah come to Jesus moment?

2019-10-17 01:30:37 UTC  


2019-10-17 03:24:56 UTC