Message from @CD
Discord ID: 634505676848234496
Please use the first link
I have to close you out to accomplish the delete. It's so hard for me to read that it will take a few minutes back shortly
Yes you will have to exit this session so that is why I say save the invite on your machine before exitting
Log Out
Great idea
Completely or the uninstall will not work
@Clay Welcome to discord
@locked in Welcome aboard glad that you joined us this evening
@neil2neil Good Afternoon welcome to Discord
@CD Welcome aboard
Tap that link and read the rules
Agree by tapping the thumbs up emoji at the bottom of the list
@whitesage Welcome to Discord
@CD I have to step away for a few minutes but I shall return
Thank you sir ... am driving now but will read when I get home ... I’ve been in the shadow here fir a long time ... back in the C days ... just thought it was time to jump on
@CD Take your time and be safe driving come back whenever you have the time to join us
No problem with taking my time 2 hours bumper to bumper
Going back to hear what’s going on
Ugh! Two Hours? Man you are one tough dude
It’s not to bad I have the Patriots to keep me company on my drive home
@CD Very cool we are glad that you choose to spend your time with us and welcome you aboard this amazing ride we are all enjoying at the moment
I’ve been here long time pre DR C and everyone teaming up ,,. Just watching but time to get in
Very nice there are many people who came here early on and are still here That is very cool for me to see
@Mother Goose Can you hear me?
The fall out didn’t help BUT BUT to Truly know what’s going on and to see if the four dimensional chess game being played you need to be able to see everything watch everything and hear everything
I hear you can you hear me?
@Mother Goose Nope something is not quite right
Your Mic Is Muted now
Did you try the "Mic Check" in your account settings?
nope but will do now
Let me show you how
I did the mic check and I hear me
Open your account
Voice & Video
Then try this out and see if you have sound
Click to enlarge
I found that and it says yes
So when you speak you can hear yourself? Is that correct?