Message from @Pikymom
Discord ID: 635672048064004097
cris's keto server is here
@Pikymom Good Evening
looking for ear buds with a mic
Okay that sounds great let me know if you locate them and we can test drive your audio
@Pikymom 👆👆
Click this link and join the text chat
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this other link also works
@Pikymom You need to unmute your mic and headset
both have red /threw them
Click the head set
Click the head set or microphone
Bottom left corner
both are off
Which key did you select for your keybind
Shortcut key?
Go through these steps and select a shortcut key/keybind
push to talk only works when browser is focused. download the app
that's what it says... want me to download it?
No do not download anything else
Did you select a key ?
ok, sorry about that, it just said shortcut, I didn't realize that was it.. but I did it
Select a key using the little white rectangle which represents a keyboard
Let's try it out
Can you hear me?
You may have to set up permissions for your mic to use the app
Toggle two switches take seconds to do will be able to see me via video?
No never just ignore the part about the camera
But toggle that switch anyway
good it's to late to put on makeup