Message from @tattered flag
Discord ID: 636341062151176252
You back?
I was fixing some lunch. I'll finish the check my dm.
Look for my avatar in the left hand column
Click my avatar
@PanO-Rific You will have to completely exit the server and shut down your app. Restart your computer and that should take care of that
Ok, got ya... and lunch 😋
I wil lbe back in 15 minutes I have something I need to do
Exit the server before beginning
Check your DM for some messages from me
Look for my avatar along the left side and click it
Save a copy of the invite to your hard drive
Leave the server completely or you will not be able to remove the old apps
I can't find DM. I found it this morning. I don't remember what I did.
Click it
@Bassplayer Welcome to discord
@And Now Icy Do you need some assistance this evening?
Are you familiar with Discord and how to navigate the server?
@And Now Icy ???
Do you have your headset set up for push to talk?
@Red Ennis Welcome to Discord
Hay Tatt, I'm back but I have now been Mk-Ultra'ed and have a split personality. This is PanO-Rific but Discord did recognize my old ID MooNRoX. It did send my recovery password to the correct email. At Discord start up it wanted me to start a channel. I had an option to Change my ID so I did that and changed it back to PanO-Rific and installed my avitar -keke with popcorn.which shows up in the top left corner. But it did not change my Channel name which appears in the lower left corner as MooNRoX = Go figure.
I don'
I don't get this new message in the Orange topped bar on the Browser's window. It says: "Need system-wide Push to Talk? Get the desktop app! I did that and tried to install it but it said it Failed installation.
Do I need this?
hello where do i have to go
@maanberg Good Mornig
Did you want to join the people in the back room?
Afternoon over here
yes please
Yeah sorry
Okay you are in discord let me get the link for you
Please standby
no problem ..time diffrences
Please wait I need to fix this link before it will funcion correctly
Blue Hot link
oke thank you ..
You bet let me know if you have problems