Message from @Mixy
Discord ID: 523130559866863657
@tattered flag chibatta youdooooin
😇 William ‘Capt. Kirk’ Shatner Blasts PC Haters of ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’
Capt Kirk
Ahahaha wtf
I just shatner’d myself
That dude is so far out there it’s not even measurable
Now that I think of it.... Capt. Kirk is used often when they reference him. I wonder if that has a double meaning.
Yes he was on Star Trek.
Wonder if that’s some sort of “tag”
Because Shatner is definitely owned
His Dill has without a doubt been pickled at the Factory 🏭
She will say they switched parties of course! She will say It was the liberals/Capitalist were actually the ones that were responsible for the deaths.
Described as "the four words that stopped Donald Trump in his tracks", and Melania, and the USSS.
I just found this, great video 😍 and thought that I should share it with you Patriots.
For more ( I am watching them right now) look on YouTube for "pittsburgh hospital trump", or something similar.
🙄 Mexico Has Officially Had It, Shuts Down Their OWN BORDER
412 talking about yesterday’s hearing
Weapons grade bacon? @trusty rusty ✌
🤣 ~30 Strips per can..............just in case SHTF.............😂
When you gotta have Bacon
@trusty rusty ✌ Okay sign me up and send me a couple cases of the stuff
Isn't bacon one of the major food groups?
Yep...........for me anyway....
@trusty rusty ✌ Had a few strips with breakfast this morning as a matter of fact