Message from @Charles Foot
Discord ID: 523136682103406613
🙄 Mexico Has Officially Had It, Shuts Down Their OWN BORDER
412 talking about yesterday’s hearing
Weapons grade bacon? @trusty rusty ✌
🤣 ~30 Strips per can..............just in case SHTF.............😂
When you gotta have Bacon
@trusty rusty ✌ Okay sign me up and send me a couple cases of the stuff
Isn't bacon one of the major food groups?
Yep...........for me anyway....
@trusty rusty ✌ Had a few strips with breakfast this morning as a matter of fact
Mexico Has Officially Had It, Shuts Down Their OWN BORDER
>THIS< is why I love 😍 Candace Owens, and why I think that she might just become the first Black femal 'US President......
She has (metaphorical), balls, a spine, guts.... pick your own term, Candace is superb, I love the work that she is doing (Thanks a lot to Charlie Kirk).
The "leftist", socialist and "Democrat" vote is tumbling, and Candace is one of the reasons why.
😶 🙄 MSNBC Panelists Claim Trump Wasn’t Actually Elected – At Least Not ‘Democratically’
Senate Votes to Condemn Saudi Arabia Over Yemen War, Khashoggi
President Trump Interviews Chris Christie for Chief of Staff - Sara A. Carter via @saracarterdc
Scientist Tells Congress: “No Scientific” Reason to Use Aborted Baby Parts in Research
😳 ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ 👁 VA Whistleblower Visited By FBI, Sent To Psych Ward, Set To Be Terminated From Job
🚽 Starbucks’ new bathroom policy not working out as hoped 🚽 Friday, December 14, 2018 at 7:00am
👆 starbucks rip off artists
Love this YT Channel....y'all ought to check them out! ❤
This is @Scout YT Channel....Love this guy!