Message from @ʙɪɴᴀʀʏ ᴀɢᴇɴᴛ🐉🦋

Discord ID: 526831431331348489

2018-12-24 18:18:39 UTC  

Her health matters more to me than any one day, yet each day with her is a gift.

2018-12-24 18:18:46 UTC  

@Sara Merry Christmas my friend. Enjoy family. Love of family and friends is in the air.❤ ☕ ❄ 🎄 🤶 ☃ ❤

2018-12-24 18:20:16 UTC  

@Lyonnaise de Dieu Woke up to a phone call. My ex-brother In Law is in a coma. He had a aneurism. So he is in my prays.

2018-12-24 18:20:35 UTC  

Thanks, @DarkSlayer. You and Fergy have a great Christmas, too.

2018-12-24 18:21:17 UTC  

Merry Christmas @Lyonnaise de Dieu

2018-12-24 18:21:24 UTC  

@Sara Fergy is so busy. She sends love and wishes for a happy Christmas.

2018-12-24 18:23:06 UTC  

@retiredDep Have a happy Christmas. Enjoy.☕ ❤ ❄ 🎄 🤶 ☃

2018-12-24 18:23:24 UTC  

Kinda looks like a Q!

2018-12-24 18:24:45 UTC  

@QCritter Merry Christmas. Hope you enjoy with family and friends.❤ ☕ ❄ 🎄 🤶 ☃

2018-12-24 18:25:58 UTC  

@Percival Hope you have a nice Christmas. Just wishing you happy times.🤶 🎄 ☕ ❤ ☃

2018-12-24 18:26:33 UTC  

@Pawhuska Merry Christmas to you and your wife.🎄

2018-12-24 18:27:54 UTC  

@DarkSlayer Merry Christmas!!

2018-12-24 18:30:59 UTC  

@dumpster Hope your feeling better. When you wake I hope you have a awesome Merry Christmas.🎄

2018-12-24 18:32:34 UTC  

@Will (USA) Merry Christmas to you and your wife.🎄 ✝ ❤

2018-12-24 18:33:22 UTC  


2018-12-24 18:33:59 UTC  

@learnshare Merry Christmas to you and your family. Enjoy. Family is a true blessing.☃ 🎄 ❄ ✝

2018-12-24 18:35:36 UTC  

@Page Merry Christmas.🎄 🤶 ❄ ❤

2018-12-24 18:36:54 UTC  

@WineMaker Merry Christmas🎄

2018-12-24 18:37:57 UTC  

@DarkSlayer Merry Christmas to you and much love sister.

2018-12-24 18:38:11 UTC  

@DarkSlayer Merry Xmas

2018-12-24 18:40:11 UTC  


2018-12-24 18:40:20 UTC  

\m/ Rockin' for Jesus \m/

2018-12-24 18:41:13 UTC  

Merry Christmas to you all of you @everyone

2018-12-24 18:41:21 UTC  

@Karl XII Merry Christmas. 🎄

2018-12-24 18:41:58 UTC  

@DarkSlayer @Lyonnaise de Dieu @fergy19872002🦋 have a very blessed and merry Christmas

2018-12-24 18:42:06 UTC

2018-12-24 18:43:17 UTC  

@Karl XII @Percival @WineMaker @Fremp you boys have a very merry Christmas

2018-12-24 18:43:25 UTC  

GOOD vid

2018-12-24 18:43:50 UTC  


2018-12-24 18:47:41 UTC  

@QCritter Here comes my reply. I may have to break it up into parts, we shall see. Forgive the length.

2018-12-24 18:47:46 UTC  

@ʙɪɴᴀʀʏ ᴀɢᴇɴᴛ🐉🦋 Merry Christmas to you and your children.🎄 🤶 ☃ ❤

2018-12-24 18:48:31 UTC  

@QCritter I read in the subtext of your comment to me that you are frustrated. I can empathize. There are a few things that I think perhaps you have not considered, or perhaps not considered fully. I will bullet point them out, however, do not take these points as condemnations. They are not. They are observations and not a personal attack. I believe you have a real desire to ‘further the narrative’ of you will, so I make that assumption before even beginning to list these things out.
• You are new to this Discord group, and much like the chans, it also strongly suggests that you lurk moar before posting opinions. Facts, articles, saucy types of drops are never unwelcomed. You came in right off the bat with opinions, negative ones at that. (strike one)

2018-12-24 18:48:54 UTC  

@QCritter • This server attracts trolls, of all kinds. Concerntrolls, porntrolls, disruptiontrolls, stinktrolls, stealthtrolls, bombtrolls, hit-n-runtrolls, you name it. This has had the effect of creating a rather tightknit group of friends who watch each other’s backs, and strongly support one another.
• This discord will often have hundreds, sometimes thousands of posts a day. It can be very challenging to “see it all”. I know I don’t, I work fulltime in a position of responsibility, I just don’t have the hours in a day to do it.
I lurked here for a good long while, weeks if not months before posting anything at all, and tried to learn as much as I could under the assumption that the posters here knew more than I did – a genuine act of respect on my part for them. Right now, I am lurking FAR far more than I am posting. I have my reasons, and they are entirely personal, not related to Discord. I am pulled in a lot of different directions.

2018-12-24 18:49:14 UTC  

@QCritter • A vast discussion is often going on in the Voice Channels associated with the written chat room they are attached to. By far, the voice chat brings a vast huge amount of information to the discussion. I do not know if you have partaken in that facet of this Discord, but you are missing at least 2/3rds of the discussion if you are not listening to the Voice Channels.
• Yes, this server can get silly, yes there is laughter. It is much the same as any Emergency Room, or fire station that I have worked in. The issues we are discussing/discovering/exposing are IMMENSLY dark. Satanic. We feel all of it. We are mutually horrified by it. We are all individually helpless to eradicate it from the earth. We feel responsibility to DO something about it because we know of it – yet we are painfully aware that we can’t. Only collectively can we make a difference. This is a BURDEN, one that we lighten through laughter and enjoyment of one another. This is a family of another sort, which brings me to my next point.
• When you first came to my attention, you did so by stating something along the line of (Paraphrasing here) – ‘you people aren’t doing anything but posting old news, old meme’s, and crap that “I” knew months ago.’ Negativity in a new poster is a quality we have come to associate with trolls, because that is one of their qualities. (Strike two)
You insulted the people who populate this discord, people who have literally cried and laughed together, who have dedicated their personal time, effort, deep thought, and personal emotional commitment to the Q Movement. The regular posters here are 100% invested, and you insulted them all. Told them they were in essence irrelevant/old news, with little respect for the thousands of man-hours that have been invested here both in research, observation, creation of Meme’s and a vast vast quantity other information, etc.