Message from @No Regerts

Discord ID: 530777972605452289

2019-01-04 15:36:54 UTC  

I dont know if many people have been talking about this but we need more talking about the crop losses of 2018 it dose connect a few dots why are their deep state personnel buying up alot of farms and water rights also alot of farmers in south Africa beeing pushed out and the wall is trying to get put up before the crops cant sustain the globle if the losses of crop continue in this pattern i know Donald J Trump is smart enough to see and plain for this the best he can but we should meet him half way start talking about this growing your own gardens and stay prepared , sorry for my spelling and grammar

2019-01-04 15:41:43 UTC

2019-01-04 15:45:48 UTC

2019-01-04 15:48:24 UTC  
2019-01-04 15:48:53 UTC  

This rashida tlaib is just over them moon happy cauuse she doesn't have to wear a blanket on her head no mo'.

2019-01-04 15:50:13 UTC

2019-01-04 15:54:42 UTC  

Ebola was in the US (Texas) over 4 years ago....

2019-01-04 15:56:24 UTC  

@No Regerts That is true.

2019-01-04 15:58:25 UTC

2019-01-04 15:59:02 UTC  
2019-01-04 16:02:44 UTC  

The religious views of Thomas Jefferson diverged widely from the orthodox Christianity of his era. Throughout his life, Jefferson was intensely interested in theology, religious studies, and morality. Jefferson was most comfortable with Deism, rational religion, and Unitarianism.

2019-01-04 16:03:10 UTC  

The First Barbary War had begun four years earlier, when U.S. President Thomas Jefferson ordered U.S. Navy vessels to the Mediterranean Sea in protest of continuing raids against U.S. ships by pirates from the Barbary states–Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, and Tripolitania.Feb 9, 2010

2019-01-04 16:03:44 UTC  

The First Barbary War had begun four years earlier, when U.S. President Thomas Jefferson ordered U.S. Navy vessels to the Mediterranean Sea in protest of continuing raids against U.S. ships by pirates from the Barbary states–Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, and Tripolitania.Feb 9, 2010

2019-01-04 16:04:04 UTC  

The Marine uniform originally had a leather-lined collar.] ... Since the days of the Barbary pirates, United States Marines have called themselves "leathernecks." Legend and lore have it that the term leatherneck was derived from leather neckbands worn in the late 1700s to protect Marines from the slash of the cutlass.

2019-01-04 16:04:35 UTC  

The Barbary pirates, sometimes called Barbary corsairs or Ottoman corsairs, were Ottoman and Maghrebis pirates and privateers who operated from North Africa, based primarily in the ports of Salé, Rabat, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli. ... Similar raids were undertaken from Salé and other ports in Morocco.

2019-01-04 16:05:01 UTC  

In March 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

It was written in their Koran, (that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.[25]

2019-01-04 16:05:40 UTC  

Before learning that Tripoli had declared war on the United States, Jefferson sent a small squadron, consisting of three frigates and one schooner, under the command of Commodore Richard Dale with gifts and letters to attempt to maintain peace with the Barbary powers.[30] However, in the event that war had been declared, Dale was instructed "to protect American ships and citizens against potential aggression," but Jefferson "insisted that he was 'unauthorized by the constitution, without the sanction of Congress, to go beyond the line of defense.'" He told Congress: "I communicate [to you] all material information on this subject, that in the exercise of this important function confided by the constitution to the legislature exclusively their judgment may form itself on a knowledge and consideration of every circumstance of weight."[28] Although Congress never voted on a formal declaration of war, they did authorize the President to instruct the commanders of armed American vessels to seize all vessels and goods of the Pasha of Tripoli "and also to cause to be done all such other acts of precaution or hostility as the state of war will justify." The American squadron joined a Swedish flotilla under Rudolf Cederström in blockading Tripoli, the Swedes having been at war with the Tripolitans since 1800.[5]

2019-01-04 16:05:56 UTC  

In 1802, in response to Jefferson's request for authority to deal with the pirates, Congress passed "An act for the protection of commerce and seamen of the United States against the Tripolitan cruisers", authorizing the President to "…employ such of the armed vessels of the United States as may be judged requisite… for protecting effectually the commerce and seamen thereof on the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean and adjoining seas."[32] "The statute authorized American ships to seize vessels belonging to the Bey of Tripoli, with the captured property distributed to those who brought the vessels into port."[28]

The U.S Navy went unchallenged on the sea, but still the question remained undecided. Jefferson pressed the issue the following year, with an increase in military force and deployment of many of the navy's best ships to the region throughout 1802. Argus, Chesapeake, Constellation, Constitution, Enterprise, Intrepid, Philadelphia and Syren all saw service during the war under the overall command of Preble. Throughout 1803, Preble set up and maintained a blockade of the Barbary ports and executed a campaign of raids and attacks against the cities' fleets.

2019-01-04 16:06:17 UTC  

In 1802, in response to Jefferson's request for authority to deal with the pirates, Congress passed "An act for the protection of commerce and seamen of the United States against the Tripolitan cruisers", authorizing the President to "…employ such of the armed vessels of the United States as may be judged requisite… for protecting effectually the commerce and seamen thereof on the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean and adjoining seas."[32] "The statute authorized American ships to seize vessels belonging to the Bey of Tripoli, with the captured property distributed to those who brought the vessels into port."[28]

The U.S Navy went unchallenged on the sea, but still the question remained undecided. Jefferson pressed the issue the following year, with an increase in military force and deployment of many of the navy's best ships to the region throughout 1802. Argus, Chesapeake, Constellation, Constitution, Enterprise, Intrepid, Philadelphia and Syren all saw service during the war under the overall command of Preble. Throughout 1803, Preble set up and maintained a blockade of the Barbary ports and executed a campaign of raids and attacks against the cities' fleets.

2019-01-04 16:07:02 UTC  

The religious views of Thomas Jefferson diverged widely from the orthodox Christianity of his era. Throughout his life, Jefferson was intensely interested in theology, religious studies, and morality. Jefferson was most comfortable with Deism, rational religion, and Unitarianism.

2019-01-04 16:11:56 UTC  

@M_SEE morning. @Sara morning

2019-01-04 16:12:36 UTC  

Morning @retiredDep !!!! Another day of fun!!

2019-01-04 16:12:59 UTC  

@M_SEE yep freaky Friday also

2019-01-04 16:13:48 UTC  

Good Morning @retiredDep and @M_SEE

2019-01-04 16:13:55 UTC  

With Pelosi in there, every day is freaky!

2019-01-04 16:13:57 UTC