Message from @Jayde
Discord ID: 537699727391588363
Sucks that journalism is now entertainment
That in and of itself is a reason enough not to trust anything they say
and you're absolutely right, it is a litigation factor
Hello @willow lady how are you today
I see Q's favorite maggie is on that list
@Jayde I remember back in 2016 to 2017 this lady had a channel called Sane Progressive (yeah shoot me 😂 ). However, she was a great info gatherer and she brought it to the light the entire system of creating FF events used by media . o
I@Jayde Im good how are you? news is busy today
lol @ShadowBoxer interesting
@ShadowBoxer Is that lady Maggie Haberman?
No debbie something.
Bringing the FF events to mainstream realization would be interesting
Ok thanks
hold on and i will see if sauce is still available.
awesome 😃
@willow lady it is a busy news day seems like my feeds are full of little stuff
@Jayde She has got to be room temperature by now. Hey you doing great
RIGHT NOW: Leftists Swarming the Hart Senate Building Over Shutdown...
Waste of skin
@Jayde Think about it for a minute. Fox news put that post up for a reason and I think it was to put the thought that she is fertilizer but it could be held a secret for some odd reason. Just a guess.
Oh yeah, i think she's been dead awhile
We shall see as time goes on i suppose