Message from @Swagsire
Discord ID: 736379892219904061
I'll process u peeps in a moment
Of course zahra that’s okay with us! Family first!!!!!
Zahra won’t be a fan of that
No NSFW please
Disgusting guys 🤡
Absolute filth
oh my
What about me? xo
Well let me ask you folks, why are you here?
Just trying to make new friends 😔
What are your feelings on Trump?
here to discuss politics boss
trump is ok i guess
How old are you again?
sooon to be seventeen bud
but you also said you were 18
who is the real marcotics? 🤔
I mean
let me in or don't
just make a decision lammow
he's a likely raider I'm interrogating him
Ok ig I’ll answer the questions
I’m a Democrat
I’m 16
I think anyone apart of the lgbtq community should be treated like humans and should have the right to be themselves
Ok am I done now
Can you describe your political stance? You missed question 3
Much appreciated
So like do u want me to just say what I believe in
Yeah just describe your philosophy a bit
I support black lives matter
I support the lgbt community