Message from @miserere
Discord ID: 742617927483654196
Banned **dxpressed._.vibxs#0069**
c!ban <@560359167978766356>
Banned **soninja#2980**
c!ban <@365666426163560448>
Banned **paninya#6338**
1. 16
2. Conservative
3. Trumpist
4. Disboard
Hey I posted the verification questions and they vanished
doesnt work
You need to answer them
Well, I guess that works
Take it you're neutral?
Why do I feel like you're a troll?
Alright then
<@560558702386741248> you can read them now yes?
Well believing trump is amazing isn't an ideology
Are you a Conservative for example?
Ehh it's fine I'll just let you in
You're here together?
Nice attempt at raiding perhaps
Banned **2** member(s).
1. Your age. (this server is 13+)
2. Your political stance.
3. Are you a Trumpist, Democrat, or Neutral.
Trump 2020
4. Where did you find this server.
I was on the old server
To enter the server, please state:
1. Your age. (this server is 13+) 13
2. Your political stance. Conservative
3. Are you a Trumpist, Democrat, or Neutral. Trumpist
4. Where did you find this server. Dishborad
1. 15
2. republican
3. trump
4. disboard
1. 15 years old
2. Libertarian market socialist I guess. I come here hoping for good conversation
3. Neutral? I don't like either party
4. Disboard
yall gotta get a bot to do this or automate this process, if your server grows this isnt gonna be a reliable way to let people in. just a suggestion for the future
Wtf u want
Sec im busy
Automate entrance without full AI? That's like "raiders welcome"
@Jake G you gonna behave?