Message from @The Wildest
Discord ID: 744252725134360638
because of the unemployment rate
@singinchallengeyeahyeah😀 anything else
well he is a conservative which i am aswell so yeah
@singinchallengeyeahyeah😀 why are you conservative
?whois @jul
1. 13-16 age range
2. Libleft, agree with a decent amount of what Bernie Sanders says
3. Democrat, I don’t really like the Democratic Party though
4. Was looking for servers to discuss politics with people who disagree
@jul fair you support extremist terrorist Communist or socialism?
No, I can’t see any messages that don’t ping me btw
Yes i know that
I can’t see message history pls ping me if ur talking to me
1. Your age. 22
2. Your political stance. Conservative
3. Are you a Trumpist, Democrat, or Neutral. Trumpist
4. Where did you find this server. Online
?whois @PuddinBabii
Nice account
@PuddinBabii so why do you support Orange man?
I just think he has done some good things as president.
I used to just go with all the bull people told me about him but once I actually looked into him and what he has done, I was sold.
@PuddinBabii nice do you support the riots?
Hell no
Those people are animals
They just want to destroy
There is no reason behind it
@PuddinBabii how come new account?
@PuddinBabii one month old account you new to discord?
Oh yes
I've never had one
I'm just now using it
How you find discord?
I downloaded it for a game but I found this chat online
Am i gonna be let in?
Its been a while
?whois @DaDolphindive
Donald Trump Independent
Discord Board
Why do i keep getting pinged from this channel but i can't see what it says
?whois @Krissy