Message from @The Wildest
Discord ID: 746136267451793519
!!role @six neutral
Added **✨ Neutral** to **six#3443**.
?whois <@604454514036178955>
<@604454514036178955> im bored
Good man another day of excitement you know.
<@604454514036178955> you lean left or right?
Skating is dope
So democrat or neutral?
Ight sounds good bro
!!role <@604454514036178955> neutral
Added **✨ Neutral** to **chris!#0344**.
1. 17
2. Centre-Right
3. Trumpist
4. Virtual Congress
!!role @Limmy trumpist
Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **Limmy#4474**.
•No political stance I like hearing both sides
Age: 16
Stance: Moderate, but more right leaning
Neutral, but more of Trumpist
I found this server on Disboard.
?whois @Amiryss
Added **✨ Neutral** to **Amiryss#2699**.
!!ban @aura
Banned **aura#5919**
I’m 14, Right wing/Conservative, I am a trumpist and I found this server on Disboard!
?whois @TheFlashFinn
@TheFlashFinn why are you right wing
Do I answer that here? I can’t see your messages
Or my own I think it’s glitched
@TheFlashFinn why are you right wing
1. 16
Well I am right wing mostly because I have done my own research on the side when everyone was telling me otherwise. I have looked up thins about abortion and I am now pro life because of it. I also watch influencers such as Steven crowder and Ben Shapiro who have helped me decide to be right wing
!!role @TheFlashFinn trumpist
Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **TheFlashFinn#3226**.
1. Your age. (this server is 13+)
2. Your political stance.
3. Are you a Trumpist, Democrat, or Neutral.
4. Where did you find this server.
Republican Party of Tik Tok
!!role @Oboe neutral
Added **✨ Neutral** to **Oboe#4293**.
To enter the server, please state:
1. Your age. (this server is 13+) 30+
2. Your political stance. Trump Republican.
3. Are you a Trumpist, Democrat, or Neutral. - Trumpist
4. Where did you find this server. American -Politics Server