Message from @The Wildest

Discord ID: 749392866849194034

2020-08-29 20:41:10 UTC  

I am lib right so i view Trump as closer to my goals

2020-08-29 20:41:31 UTC  

!!role @Prefix trumpist

2020-08-29 20:41:31 UTC  

Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **Prefix#6059**.

2020-08-29 21:00:06 UTC  

1. Your age. (this server is 13+) I'm 17
2. Your political stance. right
3. Are you a Trumpist, Democrat, or Neutral. Trumpist
4. Where did you find this server. Google

2020-08-29 21:07:46 UTC  

I’m 16.

2020-08-29 21:08:03 UTC  

I’m an egoist anarchist.

2020-08-29 21:08:23 UTC  

I found this server through disboard.

2020-08-29 21:09:36 UTC  

I’m closer to democrat then Trumpist or Neutral.

2020-08-29 21:47:09 UTC  

@Kotoslav could you give me few examples why you support the President please.

2020-08-29 21:50:36 UTC  

The black unemployed drop massively ( overall during his cadency he has improved USA’s economic situation until pandemic )
He is pro free speech
The amount of illegal immigrants also decreased
He stopped funding the colleges that dont condone freedom of speech And opress the conservative students
And he reformed a court And etc

2020-08-29 21:50:53 UTC  

!!role @Kotoslav trumpist

2020-08-29 21:50:53 UTC  

Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **Kotoslav#6528**.

2020-08-29 22:08:28 UTC  

<@538560679179845632> name of the friend?

2020-08-29 22:11:18 UTC  

<@538560679179845632> could you dm me screen shot of invite please i can't find that player.

2020-08-29 22:15:35 UTC  

<@538560679179845632> his not even in the server why he invited you?

2020-08-29 22:15:51 UTC  

-whois @fredward

2020-08-29 22:15:51 UTC  

2020-08-29 22:16:20 UTC  

<@538560679179845632> what server are you guys coming from?

2020-08-29 22:17:31 UTC  

<@538560679179845632> not really im jest wondering why he invited when his not even in the server.

2020-08-29 22:18:39 UTC  

<@538560679179845632> yes but he did not go thru verifications

2020-08-29 22:19:42 UTC  

<@538560679179845632> why do you support the President?

2020-08-29 22:21:30 UTC  

But you said republican?

2020-08-29 22:25:08 UTC  

<@538560679179845632> can you take screenshot of the invite it self.

2020-08-29 22:25:50 UTC  

That's not shady at all

2020-08-29 22:28:49 UTC  

<@538560679179845632> can you take a screenshot of the servers you in please.

2020-08-29 22:31:04 UTC  

<@538560679179845632> I'll give you a shot if i see anything suspicious you will be banned.

2020-08-29 22:31:46 UTC  

!!role <@538560679179845632> trumpist

2020-08-29 22:31:47 UTC  

Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **345K#6393**.

2020-08-29 22:40:54 UTC  

1. Age 29
2. Conservative
3. Not affiliated with political party
4. I googled conservative discord servers.

2020-08-29 22:44:19 UTC  

@Varitix do you lean closer to biden or trump?

2020-08-29 22:53:31 UTC  

@Varitix what are your conservative believes?

2020-08-29 23:06:45 UTC  

Was my verification just straight out denied or something<a:ndsquirtle:741623865054068776>

2020-08-29 23:10:31 UTC  

-whois @Caloose

2020-08-29 23:10:31 UTC  

2020-08-29 23:11:27 UTC  

!!role @Caloose neutral

2020-08-29 23:11:28 UTC  

Added **✨ Neutral** to **Riots#6969**.

2020-08-29 23:12:08 UTC  

I am sorry. I am unable to see your questions. I believe I fall into the right-moderate of the spectrum.

2020-08-29 23:13:25 UTC  

@Varitix are you closer to Trump or Biden or neutral?

2020-08-29 23:14:05 UTC  

Trump without a doubt

2020-08-29 23:14:16 UTC  

Ok cool

2020-08-29 23:14:41 UTC  

!!role @Varitix trumpist