Message from @kat!
Discord ID: 751528594731171851
I don't trust you 4
ummm...... check my account age? idk
i’m not a troll i’m a genuine trump supporter😓🤚
Can I verify
!!ban @Cassandra <3
Banned **Cassandra#6515**
I’m not a troll, I support Trump for many reasons.
me too..
@kat! what server are you coming from?
For example, he has worked hard to strengthen the US military in a time of potential crisis.
1. 18 2. Republican 3. I support Trump 2020 4. Disboard
!!ban <@745769818753597460>
Banned **MSGA#0401**
I came from Disboard.
@kat! what other political servers are you in?
-whois @kat!
me too
@Fizz why exactly do you support the President?
I support his ideas and ambitions
And they are?
@Fizz and they are?
They are the building of the wall to keep immigrants out, to ban abortion which is totally unnecessary because it kills lives
And the universal healthcare propagation
totally agree, imagine murdering innocent babies😭
Yeah exactly and plus his plans in Iraq really appeal to me
Hello pls can i be let in
I don't know if you guys are young or playing me lol
Sure why not
Thank you, sir!
I don’t know them dude
!!role @Fizz trumpist
Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **Fizz#4859**.
can i be let in
@amelie why do you support the President.