Message from @š“¦š“²š“µš“±š“®š“µš“¶ š“šš“µš“²š“·š““

Discord ID: 755660713275555931

2020-09-16 02:55:48 UTC  

@Dog School has been given full access with role "trumpist"

2020-09-16 02:56:52 UTC  

2020-09-16 02:57:04 UTC  

Must have missed it could you copy and paste please

2020-09-16 03:00:13 UTC  

@Curious Wanderer has been given full access with role "neutral"

2020-09-16 04:31:28 UTC  

2020-09-16 05:21:43 UTC  

1. How old are you? (This server is 13+)
2. Do you identify closest with; Trumpist, Democrat, or Neutral?
3. Where did you get the invite to this server? (name the person or website)
4. Describe your political ideology in 3-4 sentences.

2020-09-16 05:23:07 UTC  

1. 34 2. The trumpiest 3. disboard 4. right wing nationalist libretarian i believe in free trade amongst the people and complete freedom to all people with a strong military and defence force

!!massban 415666409167912961 522439444448411649 331404319112953856

2020-09-16 05:23:35 UTC  

Banned **3** member(s).

2020-09-16 05:24:33 UTC  

1. 16 2. neutral 3. disboard 4. I would say I am pretty neutral regarding most topics and it depends but i believe in power in the people and individual most of all

2020-09-16 05:25:41 UTC  

1. 20 2. trumpist 3. disboard 4. im a republican who believes in freedom and patriotism. i love my wife and my family so i love family values. I support trump because of how unapologetic and epic he is.

@big kai could you go more into detail about what you believe in?

2020-09-16 05:26:05 UTC  

2020-09-16 05:26:20 UTC  

2020-09-16 05:26:47 UTC  

im doing the test right now

@Sabin! which of his policies do you support and why?

2020-09-16 08:21:18 UTC  

So.... am I ever gonna get verified?

2020-09-16 09:35:42 UTC  

@Astra we need 1 of the 3

2020-09-16 09:35:53 UTC  

Trumpist, democrat or neutral

2020-09-16 09:36:31 UTC  

Alright filled that thing out. Iā€™m none of the three. Gutted neutral ig

2020-09-16 09:36:59 UTC  


2020-09-16 09:37:19 UTC  

One more thing

2020-09-16 09:37:43 UTC  

Explain me your ideology, or moreso, why are you a democratic socialist?

2020-09-16 09:41:10 UTC  

@Astra Bernie or greens

2020-09-16 09:43:11 UTC  

-verify @Sabin!

2020-09-16 09:43:11 UTC  

Not enough arguments passed
Use @member and role name as parameters

2020-09-16 09:43:12 UTC  

> Explain me your ideology, or moreso, why are you a democratic socialist?
@miserere because I want to retain market economics for competition on the international market, while enshrining certain rights in legislation, such as housing, access to basic utilities, access to the internet, etc. while nationalizing and unionizing damn near everything.
> @Astra Bernie or greens
@Emblyn neither.

2020-09-16 09:43:22 UTC  

-verify @big kai#9759 neutral

2020-09-16 09:43:22 UTC  

Improper mention "@big"
Use @member and role name as parameters

2020-09-16 09:43:46 UTC  

-verify @Astra neutral