Message from @Sara
Discord ID: 542764833268039680
@Cynka. I watched him give a brief word to Kavanaugh going up to speak and again after... I don't think replacement is going to happen wanted to know if Kavanaugh requested stepping down?
Check out @ZoilaLiz1’s Tweet:
@Anastasia Romanoff No she is hoping to be appointed on the D.C, Court of Appeals court.
Check out @pdabrosca’s Tweet:
@Cynka the article said she wasn't even a judge... I heard that an appointment doesn't necessarily need to be a judge is that true?
FWD: @POTUS_Schedule: Wednesday, 06 February 2019
@POTUS @realDonaldTrump will hold a #MAGA rally in El Paso, Texas February 11th. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #KAG! #K...
@everyone anyone besides me having trouble posting articles because of system overload?
You don't have to send your message to everyone, @Anastasia Romanoff I'm not having trouble posting articles.
@Anastasia Romanoff I really don't know. President Trump wants her appointed and I trust his judgement. She must be a very conservative leaning lawyer.
@Cynka perhaps he wants her up and ready to take Ruth's seat...?
did anyone besides me hear the President say BOOM twice and make reference to Patriots?
I'm still having trouble posting... maybe it's my area overload?
@Anastasia Romanoff Do you have time markers, by chance?
It's Democrat Party, not Democratic Party
It's Democrat [insert], not Democratic [insert]
Anyone else want to scream when journalist use 'democratic,' which should be left in the adjective basket?
Please, correct me if I'm in error, so I can quit SMH.
@Agent 34 don't know what time markers are have only had a touch screen phone for a while and and I only use it for discord
I'll listen through it again tonight and see if I can find them