Message from @Elegit

Discord ID: 741202064381837312

2020-08-07 07:46:33 UTC  

but in terms of the longevity of your party, you need to find an angle to attract female supporters/voters with

2020-08-07 07:46:51 UTC  

rhetoric like "We support strong families, mothers should be revered and honored!"

2020-08-07 07:47:53 UTC  

obviously you arent going to let some east coast femoid determine how your ideology sways. but long term we need women on our side. And the best appeal is honestly ''''tricky'''' hooks like "porn is bad... because it objectifies women!"

2020-08-07 07:48:16 UTC  

"makeup is bad and degenerate... ehh, because it objectifies women!"

2020-08-07 07:48:26 UTC  

You've got a point

2020-08-07 07:48:29 UTC  

"Big business wants to take away your right to be a mother with a strong family!"

2020-08-07 07:48:40 UTC  


2020-08-07 07:49:02 UTC  

But the way I interpret it, is that you should be wary of women you *meet* in politics. Keyword: meet.

2020-08-07 07:49:07 UTC  

thats how mosley conducted his party, and the BUF had the largest female membership of any party in the UK aside from the suffragettes lol

2020-08-07 07:49:44 UTC  

Sure, I don't have a problem with older, much knowledgable, mature women in politics

2020-08-07 07:49:45 UTC  

In fact a LOT of the BUF were ex-suffragettes who were supporting a morally pure society where women were not degraded by (((liberal social values)))

2020-08-07 07:50:42 UTC  

Should the women's role be in the kitchen? 🤔 🤔 🤔

2020-08-07 07:50:45 UTC  

But when he says that no women should be in the movement. Nick is only trying to warn us that they are probably not what they seem...

2020-08-07 07:51:12 UTC  

yes the women who claim to be in the movement are e girls

2020-08-07 07:51:33 UTC  

who will divert the AF chads into soyboys

2020-08-07 07:51:41 UTC  

Be polite, and approachable

2020-08-07 07:51:47 UTC  


2020-08-07 07:51:57 UTC  

heres the thing

2020-08-07 07:51:59 UTC  

It's a fucking trap, that very few escape from

2020-08-07 07:52:13 UTC  

Nick is right, dont get me wrong

2020-08-07 07:52:23 UTC  

But he's only right on a personal level

2020-08-07 07:52:29 UTC  


2020-08-07 07:52:52 UTC  

Like yes women online involved with political groups are prolly cringe. but he cant maintain that rhetoric when it comes to the greater picture

2020-08-07 07:53:52 UTC  

If we do get national power

2020-08-07 07:54:09 UTC  

Then yeah of course it's inevitable that women will be with us

2020-08-07 07:54:21 UTC  

And what you said was awesome initiatives for women

2020-08-07 08:25:38 UTC  

@Elegit since when were you in the closet

2020-08-07 08:26:09 UTC  

Pretty sure he’s joking

2020-08-07 08:26:33 UTC  


2020-08-07 08:26:55 UTC  

yeah lol

2020-08-07 08:27:06 UTC  

thoughts on server movie-night

2020-08-07 08:27:09 UTC  

or server game-night?

2020-08-07 08:27:51 UTC  


2020-08-07 08:27:57 UTC  

Going to sleep

2020-08-07 08:28:03 UTC  


2020-08-07 08:28:09 UTC  


2020-08-07 08:28:11 UTC  


2020-08-07 08:32:27 UTC  

Hoi4/movie nights when??? @Elegit

2020-08-07 13:23:11 UTC  

Soon TM

2020-08-07 13:23:18 UTC  

I think it’s a fun idea we should pursue

2020-08-07 15:28:13 UTC  

I got tired and spammed anti lgbt memes on the other server, and called it a way to attract kids and groom them into transitioning.