Message from @Magnify ✝ Q 👉MAGA-KAG

Discord ID: 553708590821539861

2019-03-08 22:30:08 UTC  

Poitras : [on Julian Assange] I started shooting around these themes in 2011, and I'd filmed quite a bit with both Julian and other NSA whistleblowers. We learned, in the editing room, that I'd shot two films. There's another film to be made, focusing on Julian. This was the aftermath. (...) Julian and Sarah Harrison deserve enormous credit for taking the risks to help Edward Snowden get out of Hong Kong. I think once the charges were filed and extradition orders placed, it wasn't a safe place for him to be. He and Sarah Harrison took enormous risks to help him seek political asylum. Sarah, right now, doesn't feel she can return to the U.K. They deserve acknowledgement for that. I think what happened is that they applied in many countries. I don't think the intention, ever, was that he would stay in Russia, but that's what happened.[2015]

2019-03-08 22:30:43 UTC  

Assange helped Snowden get out of [HKG] during Red stop on his passport

2019-03-08 22:31:57 UTC  

Sorry I will have bad connection for about 45 min

2019-03-08 22:32:14 UTC  

Hard to believe that is Jan Michael Vincent... jeez... time is not kind

2019-03-08 22:32:35 UTC  

sorry LOL

2019-03-08 22:32:37 UTC  


2019-03-08 22:32:52 UTC  


2019-03-08 22:35:04 UTC  

probably daily bounce

2019-03-08 22:37:25 UTC

2019-03-08 22:38:19 UTC  

[on Snowden (2016)] I had a very unpleasant meeting with Oliver Stone. I wish a better filmmaker had taken it on. If it had to happen, I wish it was a better filmmaker. I also realize that's the way Hollywood works. If something like this happens that shifts the zeitgeist, there's going to be films that come out. [2017]

2019-03-08 22:38:26 UTC  

Laura Poitras

2019-03-08 22:38:47 UTC  

[on Risk (2016)] Did I enjoy it? No, I can't say I did. Filming is always hard, and this was particularly hard. I knew Julian [Julian Assange] was going to be furious with the film, and I don't have any joy with that. I know he's polarising, but there is no doubt he's a really significant historical figure in the work that he has done, which has transformed journalism, and I think he understood ahead of many people how the internet was going to change global politics. (...) I don't want to have fallings out with people [WikiLeaks] that I have respect for. For me it's a tragedy. [June 2017]

2019-03-08 22:38:57 UTC  

Right after the Snowden stuff, I knew I was being followed by intelligence agencies. I felt really nervous about threats from the government, private contractors, intelligence agencies all over the world. There are a lot of bad actors out there. But I have to keep doing the work. [June 2017]

2019-03-08 22:39:08 UTC  

[on what's annoying about Edward Snowden] He can lecture. He can get a little bit talky, if you watch some of his public appearances, but that's not something that pissed me off. [June 2017]
[on WikiLeaks] I thought WikiLeaks was doing the hard journalism that hadn't been done for a long time post 9/11. The mainstream media had abdicated responsibility to ask hard questions of what was going on in the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. It was crucial and brave journalism. I was also interested in the global impact it was having. So I was very optimistic about the project. And I remain optimistic about many things about the work they do and its necessity. [June 2017]

2019-03-08 22:39:32 UTC  

I hate "hate speech". Is that hateful?

2019-03-08 22:39:58 UTC  

YouTube still down?

2019-03-08 22:40:15 UTC  
2019-03-08 22:41:17 UTC  

Weird I can’t get it on the TV. Rebooting.

2019-03-08 22:41:28 UTC  

Thank you!

2019-03-08 22:42:12 UTC

2019-03-08 22:42:56 UTC  
2019-03-08 22:42:57 UTC  


From NBC News:
“Empire actor Jussie Smollett has been indicted by a grand jury in Chicago on 16 felony counts after allegedly lying to police about being the victim of a racist and homophobic hate crime. Smollett was charged last month with felony disorderly conduct for the allegedly false report he made with Chicago police on Jan. 29, according to the Cook County State's Attorney's Office. In it, he claimed he was assaulted by two masked men who hurled racist and homophobic slurs.

“The actor, 36, who is black and gay, also said his attackers poured what he believed was bleach over him and put a noose around his neck. Smollett and his attorneys have denied the allegations against him.”

2019-03-08 22:43:56 UTC

2019-03-08 22:44:12 UTC

2019-03-08 22:45:06 UTC

2019-03-08 22:45:19 UTC  

they rehab all the vehicles frequently

2019-03-08 22:47:00 UTC  

@BACFA thanks much for your post above in here!

2019-03-08 22:48:00 UTC

2019-03-08 22:48:55 UTC

2019-03-08 22:49:01 UTC  

Broke cell phone productions on you tube are videos dedicated to you guys, yall might see some familiar shots <:StonedPepe:539084299635523585>

2019-03-08 22:51:19 UTC