Message from @SGT FRIDAY

Discord ID: 554703701474934805

2019-03-11 16:13:18 UTC  


2019-03-11 16:15:41 UTC

2019-03-11 16:15:59 UTC  

A dark money group based in California contributed $2 million to The Democracy Integrity Project, the organization that has contracted with Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to investigate President Donald Trump.
The Democracy Integrity Project's founder, a former staffer for Sen. Dianne Feinstein, has acknowledged to the FBI that the group provides information to the press, lawmakers and investigators.
Fund for a Better Future is the second Democracy Integrity Project donor to have been identified. George Soros gave $1 million to the group.

Read more:
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook This information came originally from the Daily Caller.

2019-03-11 16:16:00 UTC  

U N delegation? Wow 🤔.

2019-03-11 16:20:56 UTC  

dark to light

2019-03-11 16:21:33 UTC  

A dark money group based in California contributed $2 million to The Democracy Integrity Project, the organization that has contracted with Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to investigate President Donald Trump.
The Democracy Integrity Project's founder, a former staffer for Sen. Dianne Feinstein, has acknowledged to the FBI that the group provides information to the press, lawmakers and investigators.
Fund for a Better Future is the second Democracy Integrity Project donor to have been identified. George Soros gave $1 million to the group.

2019-03-11 16:21:39 UTC

2019-03-11 16:22:48 UTC

2019-03-11 16:32:45 UTC

2019-03-11 16:34:18 UTC

2019-03-11 16:36:55 UTC  

Dem strategy for electoral dominance has been reduced to anti-constitutional
last ditch desperation:
1. Abolish electoral college.
2. Voting rights for illegals.
3. Reduce voting age to 16.
4. Claim voter suppression whilst perpetrating voter fraud.
Because they have nothing else.
* Copied and Pasted

2019-03-11 16:39:35 UTC

2019-03-11 16:49:46 UTC

2019-03-11 16:51:33 UTC

2019-03-11 16:53:48 UTC  

Get the word out, we are the news ^