Message from @Ankel
Discord ID: 555179485431988245
Nice one!
Mo betta
I dont care for the fist one....
it reminds me of the lunatic libs lol
Ill be back later....
Later alligators
@anitalou_ Hey ya made it and sound great
@tattered flag later buddy
@tattered flag
L8tr G8tr
@romotec Radix showed that 12 seconds into the video it shows BHO, but she doesn't know if that is the meaning behind the 12 posts
@Rodpeters Clown Priest BTW we use this room/channel for messages and related topics when in PSB Voice
Roger that. New to the discordy thing.
you spoke
hello good eveing
yes i do that sometimes
I was busy, sorry for being antisocial guys. Reading, eating cleaning etc. Smiley rescued me from the Chapel
We can call Q him anymore
cant oops
No political correctness here
They invented like an androgynous siri thing and called it Q. Gave me a slight chuckle
Of course they did