Message from @AnonMoeJo

Discord ID: 565976031672926229

2019-04-11 18:41:57 UTC  


2019-04-11 18:42:54 UTC

2019-04-11 18:45:02 UTC  

Methinks that Q drop is a heads up to all of us to double down on all our source research check with each other before posting

2019-04-11 18:45:16 UTC  

@Lyonnaise de Dieu "We have the Sorce" is a quote from earlier Q that was responce to wikileaks, indicating wikileaaks is comprimised... But we have the source, we've aalways had him. Just going to bring him in when needed... Timing is everything

2019-04-11 18:46:20 UTC  

@Majes Yessir!

2019-04-11 18:46:37 UTC  

Optics are everything as well @Lyonnaise de Dieu

2019-04-11 18:46:37 UTC  

Q had also indicated we have the sservers.... All of them, as he said "we have everything" 😉

2019-04-11 18:46:53 UTC  

We have it all

2019-04-11 18:47:08 UTC  

Oh yes. Isn't it a thing of beauty?

2019-04-11 18:48:22 UTC  

yes, but I don't expect JA here until after 2020... Likely needed now in the EU mess... Things are not aas they seem, lots to clean up here yet....

2019-04-11 18:48:40 UTC  

just a guess 😃

2019-04-11 18:52:35 UTC  

Catherine Herridge just said “we really have a tsunami of information coming out.” 👏🏼

2019-04-11 18:57:19 UTC  

Theory, backdoor admin password to server? Assange book.

2019-04-11 19:02:24 UTC  

Idea for Mods. please create a new room for Newbies. call it. LarpO'vision Shill test. room must be passed before entering other rooms.

2019-04-11 19:04:27 UTC  


2019-04-11 19:05:25 UTC

2019-04-11 19:06:02 UTC

2019-04-11 19:09:37 UTC  

Tonight Israel will be the fourth country in the world to land on the Moon

2019-04-11 19:12:15 UTC

2019-04-11 19:13:24 UTC  

@Pawhuska that's a classic. One of my favorites

2019-04-11 19:15:36 UTC  

Praying and hoping for the BEST possible outcome for Assange.

2019-04-11 19:16:19 UTC  

@Magnify ✝ Q 👉MAGA-KAG do you see the the Vidal vs Buckley video

2019-04-11 19:17:05 UTC

2019-04-11 19:17:28 UTC  

@Pawhuska - not in a while... watching now....

2019-04-11 19:17:59 UTC

2019-04-11 19:25:07 UTC  

Apr 11 2019 13:34:08 (EST) !!mG7VJxZNCI Q ID: 6661a0
If we are merely a LARP asking questions on the Chans, why are we being attacked daily by some of the world’s biggest media co’s, social media co’s deliberately applying censorship/banning, shills paid/inserted to disrupt (media matters), blue checkmark coordinated attacks, etc.?
All for a ‘conspiracy’ on the Chans?
All for a ‘LARP’?
Why is there a constant flow of disinformation being pushed re: Q?
Disinformation push re: Mueller is a white hat.
FAKE & FALSE narrative.
When you can’t attack the information directly, you attack the source, if that fails, you ‘create false misleading information’ to discredit knowing ‘select’ ‘unaware’ followers would not take the time to self-corroborate the claims (same vehicle/tactics used by FAKE NEWS media).
Logical thinking always wins.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
As the target(s) turn to the other side, the attacks will intensify.
We have the source.

2019-04-11 19:27:09 UTC

2019-04-11 19:27:56 UTC  

Apr 11 2019 13:34:08 (EST) !!mG7VJxZNCI Q ID: 6661a0
If we are merely a LARP asking questions on the Chans, why are we being attacked daily by some of the world’s biggest media co’s, social media co’s deliberately applying censorship/banning, shills paid/inserted to disrupt (media matters), blue checkmark coordinated attacks, etc.?
All for a ‘conspiracy’ on the Chans?
All for a ‘LARP’?
Why is there a constant flow of disinformation being pushed re: Q?
Disinformation push re: Mueller is a white hat.
FAKE & FALSE narrative.
When you can’t attack the information directly, you attack the source, if that fails, you ‘create false misleading information’ to discredit knowing ‘select’ ‘unaware’ followers would not take the time to self-corroborate the claims (same vehicle/tactics used by FAKE NEWS media).
Logical thinking always wins.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
As the target(s) turn to the other side, the attacks will intensify.
We have the source.