Message from @wheredowegofromhereQ

Discord ID: 568705885027827723

2019-04-19 05:24:55 UTC  

this is nuts Brittany Spears is in a mental facility. This was just released 2 days ago Found this while digging on the MKUltra and Monarch

2019-04-19 05:58:42 UTC  

do you think the bearded man, Ed O'Callaghan, standing behind AG Barr w/Rosenstein, will be replacing Rosenstein soon as Dep AG?

2019-04-19 06:12:21 UTC  

The guilt and denial all comes from trying to cover up pedocrimes...

2019-04-19 06:14:55 UTC  
2019-04-19 06:17:36 UTC  

Nite all.🛏

2019-04-19 07:53:36 UTC  
2019-04-19 08:20:47 UTC

2019-04-19 08:22:16 UTC

2019-04-19 08:35:45 UTC  

CODED !!!!!

2019-04-19 08:45:26 UTC  

another FF coming?

2019-04-19 08:55:36 UTC  

Yup ..could be 🤔

2019-04-19 09:08:50 UTC

2019-04-19 09:09:25 UTC

2019-04-19 09:11:19 UTC  


2019-04-19 09:20:04 UTC  

The full moon of April, called the Pink Moon, will occur the morning of April 19 at 7:12 a.m. EDT (1112 GMT).

The moon will be three days past perigee, the point in its orbit where the natural satellite is nearest to Earth, so it will almost be a "supermoon," appearing larger than average. Supermoons happen when the full moon coincides with perigee, but the difference in size even for these "super" satellites is usually too small for any but the most careful observers to notice.

For observers on the U.S. East Coast, the Pink Moon will rise at about 8 p.m. the evening of April 19 and set at around 7 a.m. the next morning, according to the U.S. Naval Observatory. The moon will be in the constellation Virgo. The sun will rise about an hour before moonset on April 20, so for about an hour, the nearly full moon and the sun will both appear in the sky.

2019-04-19 09:20:28 UTC