Message from @Irish Ranger

Discord ID: 570839332383096834

2019-04-25 04:56:48 UTC  

Rudy Giuliani:

"Joe and I have looked at 100 FISA applications at different times. And the reality is that you take this very seriously because they can't be contested on the other side. If you read the Steele Dossier, which I've done, and you don't figure out in two pages that it's a piece of phony crap, you don't belong being an investigator. And I'd like to ask Jim Comey when he said it was unverified after having it for five months, 'Why didn't you verify it?'. You could've checked whether Cohen was in Prague on a specific date. All you had to do was call the passport office and you would've found out he's never been in Prague. You could've found out that Steele hadn't been in Russia for seven years. He didn't bother to find that out. We call that being grossly negligent. Remember who else was grossly negligent. The one he let off the hook for obstruction of justice. So I think Jim Comey has a lot to answer for because you just don't sign those things cavalierly and you could not have read that as a trained professional and not become extremely suspicious. It reads like a lurid silly novel."

2019-04-25 04:58:34 UTC  


2019-04-25 04:58:38 UTC  

Joe DiGenova:

"Because it's about the rule of law and privacy. The Obama administration for more than four years before the 2016 election allowed four contractors working for the FBI to illegally surveil American citizens. Illegally. The FISA court has already found that. By the way, Robert Wray mentioned that there is the Horowitz report is coming out in May or possibly early June. There is another report that everybody has forgotten about involving James Comey alone. That will be out in two weeks. That report is going to be a bombshell. It's going to open up the investigation on a very high note and there will be criminal referrals in it. The FISA Court abuse is the center of this entire abuse of govermental power. The Chief Judge of that court has already ruled that the FBI broke the law and the people at the head of the Justice Department, Sally Yates, John Carlin the Asst AG for National Security all knew about it and lied to the court, the FISA court about it."

2019-04-25 04:59:14 UTC  

Mueller threatened to resign again in 2006 after the FBI seized the records of Congressman William Jefferson, who was involved in a corruption scandal. Under intense congressional pressure, President Bush ordered the FBI to return the papers. Mueller resisted with a threat of resignation, again on principle – the FBI had seized the records with a valid judge-issued warrant. Bush relented, and Mueller stayed on as FBI director.

2019-04-25 05:00:43 UTC  

@Jayde I'm sorry.

2019-04-25 05:02:32 UTC

2019-04-25 05:02:52 UTC  

@Jayde wow you win.

2019-04-25 05:03:07 UTC  

The Obama "I Spy" Tweet ain't gonna age well

2019-04-25 05:07:21 UTC

2019-04-25 05:07:36 UTC

2019-04-25 05:07:52 UTC

2019-04-25 05:08:22 UTC  

Just say no

2019-04-25 05:09:17 UTC

2019-04-25 05:09:19 UTC

2019-04-25 05:11:42 UTC  

@Killuminati country Ok brother we understand. wwg1wga

2019-04-25 05:14:47 UTC

2019-04-25 05:17:37 UTC

2019-04-25 05:19:56 UTC

2019-04-25 05:21:09 UTC

2019-04-25 05:21:55 UTC  

@SGT FRIDAY If they are prepping for something like that and it's the truth I'd die happy.

2019-04-25 05:25:58 UTC  
2019-04-25 05:27:05 UTC  

Great POTUS montage

2019-04-25 05:27:30 UTC  

I have this from Youtube found

2019-04-25 05:27:45 UTC  

I figured as much 😉

2019-04-25 05:28:30 UTC  

I'm out. See y'all soon. Such a good night tonight. 👋

2019-04-25 05:29:54 UTC  

Have a good evening BigD

2019-04-25 05:31:37 UTC  

Goodnight BigD3000 god bless your sleep and you Amen