Message from @Aleeta

Discord ID: 592116651550572589

2019-06-22 20:27:10 UTC  

@BigD that's strange

2019-06-22 20:28:02 UTC  

They closed all stores in the us. Remained a solvent company and a couple years later reopen?

2019-06-22 20:30:43 UTC  

Perhaps this article could explain. ☝️

2019-06-22 20:33:25 UTC  

This was posted on Facebook by a friend of mine. “So I'm standing in line at a local fast food restaurant, I'm 3rd in line, in front of me is a man about 10yrs older than me, in front of him is a mom and her daughter who's about 12 or 13, the little girl is wearing her bathing suit bottoms and a tank top, both mother and daughter look as if they spent the day at the pool.. Well the man in front of me catches my attention by his constant stare at this little girl. He continues watching this little girl like a hawk, staring at her hind end, as it was really pissing me off, I gave him a few more minutes, then I leaned up to the side of his head and stated "watching you stare at that little girls hind end is really pissing me off, I know you are probably thinking some nasty shit, but I'm here watching you thinking I'm about to cave the fuckin side of your head in. The mom heard me and turned around and looked in disbelief, the man immediately left the line and exited the restaurant.. I started to follow him out, but he left in a hurry.. Here I am in my biker gear, and the mom and folks around me thanked me because they noticed it too.. So Parents be careful with your children. These sick Fckers are everywhere, and today I was sure I was going to do some time in jail, cause the somebitch would have been in ICU.”

2019-06-22 20:44:39 UTC  
2019-06-22 21:03:25 UTC  

Chalk one up for @Caustic Chameleon friend

2019-06-22 21:14:12 UTC  
2019-06-22 21:25:12 UTC  

California City Proposes Giving Cash to Violent Gang Members Not to Commit Shootings - Big League Politics

2019-06-22 21:27:00 UTC  

@Magnify ✝ Q 👉MAGA-KAG did you find anything in your direct mail..

2019-06-22 22:15:15 UTC  

We Build The Wall
Streamed live 31 minutes ago
Foreman Mike has a big announcement about what's about to take place NEXT WEEK for THREE days. He needs YOUR help! "Get in the game!"

2019-06-22 22:39:10 UTC  

Eighties Erin is taking calls if anyone is interested in calling in

2019-06-22 23:02:15 UTC  


2019-06-22 23:12:14 UTC  

Carbon is everywhere

2019-06-22 23:15:53 UTC  

yes its in the shape of a pyramid @SighOperator

2019-06-22 23:17:26 UTC  

It's in the shape of an outhouse 💩 😆

2019-06-22 23:28:16 UTC  

Good Gallley Batman we have a rogue operater

2019-06-22 23:29:56 UTC

2019-06-22 23:42:15 UTC  

I have that film, it's Great

2019-06-22 23:43:11 UTC  

Broken World and Politics:

This Broken World Politics It Sounds All Over the World In The Last Days We Are So Few To Look Behind The Matrix As Many Who Hunt For The Brands Clothes And Brands The Rothschilds Do People Hunting is just slaves who pay attention to this on social media Military Doing Chamtrails Vitamin D Deficiency We Doing The Chains Still Carrying Farmer Industries Doing Billions Again Doctors Who Make Money On The Federal Reserve Do Billion In War Making War You Should Consider A Business Where Other Countries Debt Make 3 Countries That do not have to pay to survive so live in ghettos what media do not tell but now you can look behind the facade they are trying to maintain but corruption will be noticed but then the stars will do away with the moral values ​​of youth man must let the crime rise small children then turn on gangsters because they ProSieben and RTL / RTL2 Seri Do not you see what they do to us show us what about poor families who have nothing in really do they make fun of and subconsciously do they say you should not live that way for material and money to live the people from the outside inside Values ​​are forgotten so you can do it with the past why the fight David vs Goliath the little man against the big system the little one defeats the giant we have a fake ecosystem the NSA is doing is watching us again but we do everything on social media The elites tell Obama to give a prize to 7 countries he bombs and the ISS he creates the CIA building bases in Syria so I'll report it until my death they try to destroy the truth or not to answer yet That's why I am about to assist you on Project Blue Report an Alien Invasion you are planning Project BlueBeam To launch a false rapture the New World order is there to establish the Satanic world to destroy or arrest any critic, for example Julian Assang or Snowden

2019-06-23 01:47:57 UTC  

Hey, I bought the Q Anon book and have created a pdf of Joe M's The Plan to Save the World, which is the text from the video he made. I plan to share and red pill people with it.

2019-06-23 02:30:08 UTC