Message from @wheredowegofromhereQ
Discord ID: 596045267858620426
I had court yesterday, beat stupid smoking violation ticket the cops gave me for retaliation for filming them
Dismissed 👍
The former special counsel defended the report of his investigation into the Trump campaign at a press conference, saying he found no collusion between Russia and the campaign, and that he would be “formally closing the special counsel’s office” and “resigning from the Department of Justice to return to private life.”
Indy and Abe are taking calls if anyone is interested in calling in
Wow guys. .that Russian sub huh!!
Hunt for Red October
Huge Q proof
👋 hello room full of people with muted mics... lol
oh it premieres in 27 minutes
Is Q showing us the FB A.I. ? ? ? all I see is a pretty descriptive sentence.... on pics
@Annie get your gun that is so awesome!!
@Clarabel thanks
@Annie get your gun do you have a story you can tell us about?
good one!!! 😎