Message from @Nely

Discord ID: 600024772084105233

2019-07-14 17:29:51 UTC

2019-07-14 17:49:51 UTC

2019-07-14 17:50:31 UTC

2019-07-14 17:50:42 UTC

2019-07-14 17:51:40 UTC

2019-07-14 17:52:02 UTC

2019-07-14 17:53:01 UTC

2019-07-14 17:53:12 UTC

2019-07-14 17:56:00 UTC  

They have all those little kids locked up in there

2019-07-14 17:57:02 UTC  

It's Sunday, POTUS and all of us are winning, enjoy a bit.

2019-07-14 17:59:33 UTC  

Every time the testimony in GITMO says anything about how 9/11 was completed, the secrets start again. They don't release what is said by the defendants

2019-07-14 18:01:15 UTC  

I wonder if it is because they can pronounce BUSH too clearly even with their heavy accent

2019-07-14 18:02:19 UTC  

C-Vine only gives us what they are doing with motions and such. The testimony about who did what, is not released.

2019-07-14 18:02:42 UTC  

Got nothing to do with security of our country

2019-07-14 18:03:22 UTC  

They know they are busted killing Americans (and others)

2019-07-14 18:04:13 UTC  

I never in my life thought our government would ever do anything to harm it's own citizens until 9/11

2019-07-14 18:05:06 UTC  

9/11 changed my whole perspective on how government has been operating for years

2019-07-14 18:05:41 UTC  

Then I had to back up and see what else our deep state may have committed

2019-07-14 18:06:39 UTC  

The United States has been attacked by dirty Americans playing for the other side more than we've been attacked by other countries

2019-07-14 18:07:52 UTC  

The deep state was in charge of government regardless if a republican or democrat was in office. All the same dirty club just playing the people to stay in office

2019-07-14 18:09:01 UTC  

We must have term limits and limits on going to work for governments outside the US after retirement

2019-07-14 18:09:18 UTC  

We need to stop the lobby industry

2019-07-14 18:09:44 UTC  

Politician can't work in that field after they retire

2019-07-14 18:11:13 UTC  

Release the list of ALL persons that have used our tax dollars out of the House slush fund to pay off sexual harassment claims

2019-07-14 18:12:43 UTC  

Make the congress get passage on bills from their districts. We vote them in and they go to Washington and start doing crazy crap??

2019-07-14 18:15:00 UTC  

Eliminate all political parties and vote for the person. Each state regardless of population gets the same number in congress. If Iowa get 2 seats, New York gets 2 seats. The best people get elected

2019-07-14 18:16:31 UTC  

El Chapo paid off members of the United States government to ensure his shipment going north and money and guns coming back south got through

2019-07-14 18:17:03 UTC  

El Chapo named the Americans on his payroll

2019-07-14 18:18:17 UTC  

Judicial Watch has getting court records down to a science. Man, do they get some records and I wonder when they will have the El Chapo testimony?

2019-07-14 18:19:57 UTC  

Rather than just let these government criminals that have been found out retire, they need to loose their government pension and medical along with some prison time.

2019-07-14 18:21:23 UTC  

No Russian did sabotage Hillary Clinton becoming President -- There, I fixed it from above

2019-07-14 18:21:54 UTC  

The words "more and to" were not in the right place

2019-07-14 18:23:36 UTC