Message from @Patriot JC
Discord ID: 435875293966630912
NP whatever I can do to help 😄
Ok i am sorry i am trying to figure out where down there is lol
@Wang Dang Doodle In the Youtube channel under the screen in the description there is a link Discord for dummies.
lol I don't have my mic set up... duh.. bbl for some awesome company!!
This is like Christmas!
Anyone have suggestions for good mike to use?
❤ ❤ heart: shoutout to all patriots!!!
I have no mike set up yet but I do enjoy listening and reading text. Thanks.
beats the boogers out of YouTube chat. LOVE IT!
I am on Android only so this is very new
uh oh
@Keybroad Logitech's are usually decent for a lower cost mic/headset they usually have a manual mute as well!
@Black_Sheep9 - Thanks! I'll check it out. Appreciate it!
It all depends on how much your budget is you can get stuff cheap that will 'work' and you can spend a ton that do it the same with a little more clarity.
I understand. I'm excited now that I have a reason to get a mike! LOL!
ok off to check my mic thanks @SouthernComfort
Lovely to be here with you all. Lovely day too. enjoy 😃 & THANKS. JC
North Carolina
okla here
Over taxed and unrepresented NY here
<3 you all, and welcome!
Howdy, PamphletAnon! Thank you for all of this!
You guys are all awesome!! Thank you!!
@Pamphlet Anon ❤ ❤ ❤ right back at ya thanks for all you do.
Are people talking in this room? I don't hear anything.
no you can listen on voice chat
Hi all wes bull = Bull Anon YT
Will do you know where the discord videos are
So wonderful to hear you all!
@Keybroad You need to go to voice in order to hear
@Keybroad Go to your avatar bar and unmute the headset
Since I am on an Android phone, I use my headphones, but they don't include a mic. I have activated voice settings, so I can hear you. But have not figured out the voice part...any suggestions?
I'm here now.....thanks guys.
We'll all get the hang of this.
Thank you for setting this up! I have been following Q since the beginning.