Message from @Catz721

Discord ID: 451335854548582402

2018-05-30 10:45:36 UTC  

I'm going to prison for speech.

2018-05-30 10:45:46 UTC  

that's for all your hard work patriot.

2018-05-30 10:45:58 UTC  

all your friends who died

2018-05-30 10:46:02 UTC  

We are waking People up Also and Trump with every arrest is giving us Ammunition to use

2018-05-30 10:46:02 UTC  

the freedom you fought for.

2018-05-30 10:46:06 UTC  

We don't have it.

2018-05-30 10:46:18 UTC  

You don't need to wake anyone fucking up

2018-05-30 10:46:20 UTC  


2018-05-30 10:46:21 UTC  

I really don’t care I’m proud of my service and Year’s in LE

2018-05-30 10:46:24 UTC  

stop waking people up

2018-05-30 10:46:29 UTC  

GET up

2018-05-30 10:46:31 UTC  

get up

2018-05-30 10:46:35 UTC  

GET the fuck up!!!!

2018-05-30 10:46:46 UTC  

I'm proud that you're so proud.

2018-05-30 10:46:55 UTC  

You only feel insulted because you feel guilty.

2018-05-30 10:47:00 UTC  

And WHAT Vince you bout to incite violence?

2018-05-30 10:47:11 UTC  


2018-05-30 10:47:13 UTC  

you got answeres?

2018-05-30 10:47:22 UTC  

yea loud mouth

2018-05-30 10:47:25 UTC  

Yeah I do have answers but few wish to listen

2018-05-30 10:47:33 UTC  

i never said i was Proud i only said i am Voting and Waking People up thats all i can do

2018-05-30 10:47:34 UTC  

we are listning?

2018-05-30 10:47:34 UTC  

Bro you got a problem I will tell you where I live.

2018-05-30 10:47:51 UTC  

no problem but you flaming us

2018-05-30 10:47:54 UTC  

@Vince Edwards I am not guilty, only people screaming at others to be guilty are the ones who are guilty

2018-05-30 10:48:18 UTC  

The guilty ones start defending themselves when nobody is pointing the finger at them.

2018-05-30 10:48:22 UTC  

I did not name you.

2018-05-30 10:48:40 UTC  

I'm talking about couch potatoes who wanna call themselves patriots.

2018-05-30 10:48:52 UTC  

being in the military doesn't make you a patriot

2018-05-30 10:49:07 UTC  

They are probably not here the ones you are talking about

2018-05-30 10:49:12 UTC  

I blocked Vince he is too radical for me and I don't care to see what he says.

2018-05-30 10:49:13 UTC  

you get the best equipment and tech to go kill people who don't speak the language and are heavily out matched.

2018-05-30 10:49:30 UTC  

@Vince Edwards and think you are running for Sheriff I don’t think you will get many vote trying to incite people

2018-05-30 10:49:35 UTC  

@Powder 💜 blocked me because the truth hurts

2018-05-30 10:50:00 UTC  

20% of the population has been run off their land in this county.

2018-05-30 10:50:11 UTC  

We are off the couch ... now what V?

2018-05-30 10:50:13 UTC  

They are offended by much bigger issues than my language.

2018-05-30 10:50:56 UTC  

Vince must have too a nasty pill last nite

2018-05-30 10:51:00 UTC  

Can you watch that 5 mins and tell me if you agree or disagree?

2018-05-30 10:51:03 UTC  

This is why he can't get anyone to join his mission he is insulting and rude.

2018-05-30 10:51:26 UTC  

No it's just that I'm working really hard to restore YOUR FUCKING RIGHTS and none of YOU are doing a god damn thing to help.